• muffin-choker 令人难以置信的新闻

    13-12-24 Muffin-choker refers to a bizarre, sensational, or unbelievable news story. Muffin-choker指离奇的、耸人听闻的或令人难以置信的新闻。 This phrase comes from the reaction one would supposedly have after reading about such a story in the morning newspap...

  • coffee face 咖啡脸

    13-12-24 Coffee face refers to the ugly face people have in the morning before they drink their coffee. They will be much better once they have a cup of coffee. 咖啡脸指的是人早晨还没喝咖啡前摆出的一张臭脸。只需喝一杯咖啡他们就会好得多。 Some people need a c...

  • 温哥华出现比特币ATM机

    13-12-15 A silver and blue ATM, perched up next to the espresso bar in a trendy Vancouver coffee shop, could launch a new era for the virtual currency bitcoin, offering an almost instant way to exchange the world's leading virtual money for cash. 在温哥华一...

  • 上午9:30到11:30是喝咖啡的最佳时间

    13-11-17 科学家研究发现,一天中喝咖啡的最佳时间大概是在上午9:30到11:30之间。这是由咖啡因和皮质醇相互作用的方式决定的。皮质醇帮助调节身体内部的生物钟,并且让人更加警觉。其他科学家们发现,在下午喝咖啡能帮助消化午餐吃得过多的食物。最近的调查表明,科学家是所有职...

  • 星巴克将赔付卡夫食品27.6亿美元

    13-11-13 An independent US arbitrator has told Starbucks to pay $2.76bn in damages and other costs to Kraft Foods in a dispute over packaged coffee. 美国一个独立的仲裁机构命令星巴克向卡夫食品支付27.6亿美元的损失费与其它费用,双方因袋装咖啡发生纠纷。 Kraft be...

  • 茶饮可能将在美国流行

    13-11-03 AS ANY foreigner can tell you, Americans love their coffee. It is a watered-down percolation compared with the eye-twitchingly strong varieties sold in little thimbles in many European cafs, but it is coffee nonetheless. A decent cup of tea, however...

  • 《倾听女人心》二

    13-10-17 精彩对白 Nick: Dr., you may not remember me. Doctor: Yes? Nick: I'm Nick Marshall. I came here about ten years ago with my ex-wife, Gigi. Doctor: Oh, Christ, not him. Nick: Oh, good, you remember me. I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I don't know...

  • 英慈善机构推出限量版咖啡味香水

    13-09-18 英国慈善机构麦克米兰癌症援助近日推出了三款限量版咖啡味香水,希望在9月27日的筹款活动中吸引众多咖啡爱好者购买。此次推出的三款香水分别为Coffeelicious(咖啡香)、Macpresso(浓缩咖啡香),以及Mochamorning(摩卡清晨)。 Would you wear a perfume inspired b...

  • latte art 拿铁艺术

    13-09-12 Latte art , also sometimes described as cappuccino art, is a pattern or miniature sculpture produced within the froth that tops off milky coffee drinks such as cappuccino or latte. 拿铁艺术(latte art),有时候也叫做卡布奇诺艺术,是一种在卡布奇诺或...

  • Sheepherder Coffee

    13-08-06 I used to like sheepherder coffee, a cup of grounds in my old enameled pot, then three cups of water and a fire, and when it's hot, boiling into froth, a half cup of cold water, to bring the grounds to the bottom. It was strong and bitter and good,...