• 纳米级别下的颜色

    12-12-07 If nanoscience were television, we'd be in the 1950s. Although scientists can make and manipulate nanoscale objects with increasingly awesome control, they are limited to black-and-white imagery for examining those objects. Information about nanosca...

  • 多彩珊瑚礁

    12-10-12 Gaze at the vivid yellows, blues, and psychedelic(引起幻觉的) swirls of a single emperor angelfish(神仙鱼) and you'll sense the whimsy(怪念头,反复无常) of evolution. Go on to explore its home in lush coral reefs and you'll soon hit sensory ov...

  • 黄水晶

    12-10-12 Topaz(黄晶,黄玉) is a hard, transparent mineral. It is a compound of aluminum, silica, and fluorine(氟). Gem topaz is valuable. Jewelers call this variety of the stone precious topaz. The best-known precious topaz gems range in color from rich...

  • Perfect Match 绝配

    12-07-18 A wealthy matron(主妇,保姆) is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase. Several painters try to match the shade, but none comes close enough to satisfy the eccentric(古怪的) wo...

  • Do It Now

    12-07-04 As a renowned(著名的) color consultant, the late Suzanne Caygill designed the homes and wardrobes of celebrities. To deal with all the demands of her schedule, she followed a rule learned from her seam-stress grandmother: If she had a job to do, s...

  • Little black dress 小礼服

    12-03-22 A little black dress is dress typically short on both top and bottom, with little decoration, and useful for nearly any occasion. It is minimal to call attention to the wearer without distracting. Little black dress(多译作小礼服)指上下裁剪都较短的...

  • 雄孔雀鱼体色进化受雌性影响

    11-11-25 Guppies in the wild have evolved over at least half-a-million years -- long enough for the males' coloration(着色) to have changed dramatically. Yet a characteristic orange patch on male guppies has remained remarkably stable, though it could have...

  • Discovery 发现

    11-10-21 The word discovery literally means, uncovering something thats hidden from view. But what really happens is a change in the viewer. The familiar offers comfort few can resist, and fewer still want to disturb. But as relatively recent inventions such...

  • 科学家发现决定鼠类肤色的基因

    11-02-25 Scientists at Harvard University are moving closer to answering some age-old questions. How did the leopard get its spots? How did the zebra get its stripes? The answer may be a gene called Agouti, which the Harvard team has found governs color patt...

  • 鲨鱼是色盲吗?

    11-01-19 Sharks are unable to distinguish colors, even though their close relatives rays and chimaeras(吐火银鲛) have some color vision, according to new research by Dr. Nathan Scott Hart and colleagues from the University of Western Australia and the Univ...