• 染腋毛 更具创意的染色方式

    14-12-13 Forget #pinkhairdontcare, there's a new trend knocking around that's sent Tumblr into tumult. 粉色头发靠边站,轻博客Tumblr上有了新潮流。 Instead of focusing on the color of the hair on their bonce, these women have taken a more creative approach to...

  • 恒河猴的肤色与繁殖成功率有关

    14-09-26 Skin color displayed amongst one species of monkey provides a key indicator of how successfully they will breed, a new study has shown. The collaborative international research also shows that skin coloration in male and female rhesus macaques is an...

  • Jack And Jill - Chapter 18

    14-03-26 May Baskets Spring was late that year, but to Jill it seemed the loveliest she had ever known, for hope was growing green and strong in her own little heart, and all the world looked beautiful. With the help of the brace she could sit up for a short...

  • Cut Memories

    13-12-26 Cut Memories Rex Wilder I take my memories for the short Term, like cut flowers to be Enjoyed for three or four days, While still fresh, while not Too receded(后退,减弱) , and before they become Brown at the edges, and the voices Change, and the...

  • 变色龙之间利用体色进行交流

    13-12-12 To protect themselves, some animals rapidly change color when their environments change, but chameleons change colors in unusual ways when they interact with other chameleons(变色龙) . Arizona State University researchers have discovered that thes...

  • Arachne

    13-12-05 Arachne lived in a small village on the shores of the Mediterranean. Her parents were very poor. While her mother was busy cooking the simple meals for the family, or working in the fields, Arachne used to spin all day long Her wheel made a steady w...

  • 我们的情感会自动匹配音乐与颜色

    13-05-19 Whether we're listening to Bach or the blues, our brains are wired to make music-color connections depending on how the melodies make us feel, according to new research from the University of California, Berkeley. For instance, Mozart's jaunty Flute...

  • 加拿大研究人员研制随时改变颜色和形状的衣服

    13-04-28 加拿大康科迪亚大学设计与计算艺术系的研究人员正在研制一种能够随穿着者的行为随时改变颜色和形状的衣服;另外,这种衣服的布料中织入了电子纤维织物,能够让衣服存储人体产生的能量,手机没电时,衣服就能给手机充电。 Clothes that change their color and shape de...

  • 出版业词汇6

    13-02-19 editor 编辑 editorial 编辑部 editorial development 编辑部选题开发 editor in chief 主编,总编 editor's note 编者的话 electronic beam gravure 电子束雕凹版 electronic color scanner 电子分色机 electronic color separation 电子分色 electronic engraving gr...

  • 出版业词汇4

    13-02-19 cancel 删掉 CAPP Council of Academic and Professional Publishers 英国出版商协会学术和职业培训分会 caption 插图说明 color printing 彩印 color rendition 色彩还原 color separation 分色 color separation film 分色片 color sequence 套色顺序 color transpar...