• a variety of colors 万紫千红

    22-08-16 万紫千红,汉语成语,形容百花齐放,色彩艳丽;多指繁盛的春色,也比喻事物丰富多彩。可以翻译为a variety of colors,blaze of color等。 例句: 万紫千红总是春。 It is spring only when all the flowers are blooming. 公园里万紫千红。 The park boasts a mass of...

  • draw a blank 白费力气,一无所得

    22-04-28 draw a blank 白费力气,一无所得 例句: I think shes posing as a human. Shes changed her eye color, wearing human clothes. Thats why were drawing a blank. 我想她是扮成了人类。她更改了瞳孔的颜色,穿上了人类的衣服。这就是为什么我们一直没有进展。 Notes:...

  • wear lipstick 涂口红

    22-02-18 常用姨妈色这么说: plum李子色 dark berry暗莓色 burgundy酒红色 你看,直接描述颜色本身才对嘛! 涂口红这样说 当我们说涂口红这个动作时,不会说涂颜色的draw,而会说wear lipstick(强调持妆的状态)或者put on lipstick(强调涂的动作)。 例句: She is putting on h...

  • 潘通发布2022年度色彩 仙女紫

    21-12-09 潘通日前发布了2022年的代表色彩,这是一种用宁静蓝和活力红调制而成的新颜色,潘通将其称为仙女紫。这是潘通首次选用新颜色作为年度色彩,旨在传递强烈的新感觉。 While many of us will spend the final days of 2021 reflecting on its whirlwind events, global co...

  • 10个关于黄色的单词

    21-09-25 Saffron 橘黄色 Saffron is a yellowish-orange color that shares a name with the popular spice made from dried Crocus sativus. The color of saffron yellow is a warm, almost mustard hue of yellow that could be used to talk about the particular fiery ye...

  • 煮鸡蛋的蛋黄表面为什么有时会呈灰绿色

    21-09-10 鸡蛋的吃法有很多,水煮蛋是最常见的一种。水煮蛋烹饪简单,便于食用,高蛋白低热量,是一种健康营养的美味。细心的人可能会发现,煮鸡蛋的蛋黄表面有时会呈灰绿色。这是什么原因?这样的鸡蛋还能吃吗? Some hard-boiled eggs have a gray or green ring of discolora...

  • 短视频博主李子柒再次刷新吉尼斯世界纪录

    21-02-07 2021年1月25日,短视频博主@李子柒再次刷新吉尼斯世界纪录。 The official Sina Weibo account of the Guinness World Records announced on Tuesday that Chinese vlogger Li Ziqi broke the world record for Most subscribers for a Chinese language channel on Yo...

  • 潘通发布2021年度趋势色彩:极致灰和荧光黄

    20-12-11 As 2020 nears its tumultuous end, the Pantone Color Institute has taken up its annual task of forecasting the color that will best reflect the year ahead. 2020年即将在一片混乱中走向尾声之时,潘通色彩研究所发布了代表2021年度趋势的色彩。 And, in a dec...

  • 快餐店标志爱用红色的主要原因

    18-05-26 McDonalds, Burger King, Jack in the Box... These fast food companies have something in common. Can you spot it? 麦当劳、汉堡王、玩偶匣汉堡店这些快餐公司有一个共同点,你注意到了吗? Well, besides all being fast food chains... Theyre all red. And its...

  • 鸡蛋颜色不同是母鸡基因不同导致

    18-03-26 Peruse the egg section of a grocery store or farmers market, and youll notice cartons of eggs separated into white and brown, sometimes even green or blue eggs. But once they arrive scrambled on a plate, perhaps, or baked into a cake, its tough to t...