• meet by chance 萍水相逢

    22-05-18 萍水相逢,汉语成语,原义是浮萍因水而四处流荡,聚散不定;比喻人本素不相识,因机缘巧合偶然相逢。可以翻译为meet by chance,a chance acquaintance等。 例句: 我们萍水相逢,却很谈得来。 Although we have met by chance, we do have a lot in common....

  • Best-Behavior Friend 好行为朋友

    22-04-07 好朋友有亲密无间的BFF(Best Friend Forever,永远的好朋友),也有不那么坦诚的BBF(Best-Behavior Friend,好行为朋友)。你交过BBF吗? Best-Behavior Friend, also known as BBF; a friend whom you have very little in common with and you act on your best-be...

  • hit it off 一拍即合

    22-01-22 一拍即合,汉语成语,意思是一打拍子就合上了曲子的节奏;比喻一相遇即十分合适、融洽,也比喻因情意相投,一下子就说到一起或结合在一起。与英文俗语hit it off意思相近,表示form an immediate, positive connection with someone;quickly become good friends with...

  • be too common to surprise people 司空见惯

    21-06-04 司空见惯,汉语成语,司空是古代官名,司空见惯现在指看惯了就不觉得奇怪,比喻某事常见,不足为奇。可以翻译为be too common to surprise people,be a common occurrence或It is quite common for...。 例句: 这种行为在年轻人中司空见惯。 Such behaviour is commo...

  • easy to get along with 平易近人

    21-01-11 平易近人,汉语成语,意思是对人和蔼可亲,使人容易接近。比喻态度温和,没有架子。可以翻译为easy to get along with,amiable,approachable。have the common touch也可以表示没有架子、平易近人,the common touch是指the ability of an important or rich person...

  • the golden mean 中庸之道

    20-10-24 中庸之道是中国传统文化儒家思想(Confucianism)的精髓,是孔子和儒家所肯定的最高德行。中指言行没有超过或不及(moderate in ones words and deeds)。庸包含两个相关的含义:其一指平常(common, ordinary),其二指恒常(unchanging)。 中庸之道指不偏不倚,折中调...

  • 专八高频短语 3

    16-07-21 101. by chance(=accidentally, by accident) 偶然 102. for a change换换环境(花样等) 103. charge sb. with 控告某人犯有 104. in charge of (=responsible for) 负责(某事) in the charge of 由管 105. take charge of (=to be or become responsible for...

  • 奥巴马欲与共和党“求同存异”

    15-01-21 U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday calls for better politics, vowing to find common grounds with the GOP. 美国总统奥巴马周二呼吁改善政治,立誓与共和党找到共同利益。 A better politics is one where we appeal to each other's basic decency instead o...
