• Canadian competition 加拿大竞争

    22-10-12 一说到竞争,我们就会想起你死我活的火辣辣的场面,但是加拿大竞争的火药味就没那么浓了,而且还有几分互爱互助的雷锋精神。 Canadian competition is the act of challenging someone to bigger act of kindness war. 加拿大竞争就是向某人发起挑战,比赛谁对谁更好。...

  • 日本奇葩比赛:掀桌子比赛

    18-07-03 The Japanese are no strangers to unusual competitions, so I guess it makes sense that theyve found a way to turn a rage-induced reaction like flipping a table into an annual contest. 日本人对各种奇葩比赛并不陌生,所以他们将发泄情绪的掀桌子变成一项年...

  • 戛纳电影节九个主要单元

    16-08-22 Comptition (In Competition) 主竞赛单元 主竞赛单元是戛纳电影节的主要活动,在该环节展映的影片将角逐电影节各类奖项,其中的最高荣誉金棕榈奖(Palme dOr, Golden Palm)能为获奖影片带来可观的票房收入和全球关注及发行渠道。该单元一般只接受叙事类影片,不过偶尔...

  • International Space-out Competition 国际发呆大赛

    15-07-21 Eighty people competed in the Second International Space-out Competition held in one of the most vibrant shopping streets in Beijing - The Place - near China World Trade Center. 第二届国际发呆大赛在北京世贸天阶举行,共有80名参赛者。世贸天阶在中国国...

  • 第六届世界传统武术锦标赛在中国开赛

    14-10-28 The 6th World Traditional Wushu Championship is still underway in the Great Wish Cultural Park in the city of Chizhou, east China's Anhui Province. 第六届世界传统武术锦标赛在中国安徽东部城市池州大希望文化公园内开赛。 The 6th World Traditional Wushu...

  • 戛纳电影节各“单元”

    14-05-28 Comptition (In Competition) 主竞赛单元 主竞赛单元是戛纳电影节的主要活动,在该环节展映的影片将角逐电影节各类奖项,其中的最高荣誉金棕榈奖(Palme d'Or, Golden Palm)能为获奖影片带来可观的票房收入和全球关注及发行渠道。该单元一般只接受叙事类影片,不过偶...

  • 英国举行撒谎大赛

    12-11-25 A harrowing competition is underway in England, with billions of dollars and hundreds of lives at stake. OK, that's not true. But competitors from around the world gathered on Thursday for the annual competition to crown the world's biggest liar. 当...

  • 荷兰举行趣味扔手机大赛

    12-08-26 A Finnish teenager has smashed the world record -- and probably his phone -- in this year's annual mobile-phone throwing contest in Finland. 在芬兰举行的年度扔手机大赛中,芬兰一位青少年打破世界纪录夺冠,当然他扔出的手机也粉身碎骨。 Eighteen-year-old...

  • 韩国选美比赛爆性骚扰黑幕

    11-10-22 韩国近日主办的第一届亚太世界小姐选美比赛爆出性骚扰黑幕,在国内三度获得选美冠军的一位英国佳丽愤然退赛。 A triple-crowned beauty queen from Bristol has claimed she had to leave a competition in South Korea because she feared for her safety. Amy Willer...

  • IBM 'in anti-competition probe' IBM接受“反竞争调查”

    09-10-09 IBM is being investigated by the US Department of Justice over allegations of anti-competitive behaviour, a computer industry trade body has said. 一个电脑工业贸易机构称,IBM因被指认反竞争行为而接受美国司法部调查。 IBM denies any wrongdoing The Comp...
