• 消费者对售货员的恭维不太感冒

    13-09-11 Consumers have negative reactions to flattery(奉承,谄媚) by salespeople, even if they think the compliments are sincere, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. But disliking a salesperson doesn't mean a customer won't buy f...

  • Hurricane Season

    13-08-20 Hurricane Season John Hennessy Those red and yellow windbreakers signal how little time's left for spending and selling; signing sleeves unravel the seams of a flattened horizon as fast as hands pull wallets from pockets or unstitch sow's-ear purses...

  • 唯物论与孤寂

    13-07-27 Despite being much-maligned(备受非议的) , materialism(唯物主义) is not always bad for consumers. Loneliness may cause materialism, but the opposite is not necessarily true, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. It is wide...

  • 消费者出售自有物品时往往标价过高

    13-07-27 Consumers set high prices when selling their possessions because they feel threatened, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. When consumers consider selling a product they own, they feel threatened by the impending(即将发生...

  • 消费者缘何在网上过度分享购物体验

    13-07-27 Increased use of digital communication is causing consumers to lose their inhibitions(抑制,压抑) and overshare online, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. Sharing itself is not new, but consumers now have unlimited oppor...

  • 消费者易受情感评价的影响

    12-12-12 Consumers are more likely to make emotional instead of objective assessments when the outcomes are closer to the present time than when they are further away in the future, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. The proximity...

  • 药价变动影响公众健康?

    12-12-12 Consumers assume their risk of getting a serious illness is higher when medications are cheaper because they believe that prices for life-saving products are based on need and not profit, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research....

  • 消费者何时会注重商品价值

    12-10-23 Consumers are often less satisfied when they buy or receive products that are easily counted because this makes them focus on value instead of experience, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. Numbers make us feel more certai...

  • 消费者趋于购买展台中间的商品

    12-07-17 Consumers are more likely to select products located in the horizontal(水平的) center of a display and may not make the best choices as a result, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. A close investigation of visual attenti...

  • 乐观的消费者更容易相信推销员?

    12-04-17 People who believe the world is a just place trust salespeople more than consumers who don't -- but only after they've made a purchase, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. As consumers, we make many decisions each day that...