• 中国80后是全球奢侈品购买主力

    19-05-05 According to a recent report by the global consulting firm McKinsey, the post-1980s generations in China accounted for around 71 percent of the countrys luxury goods purchases. 麦肯锡最近公布的一份报告显示,中国的80后一代是全球奢侈品约71%的买家。 In...

  • password trap 密码陷阱

    17-03-31 Password trap is a program or website that uses a legitimate-looking interface to fool users into providing their passwords. 密码陷阱指的是利用看似合法的界面诱骗使用者提供其密码的程序或网站。 Password traps and fishing attempts are on the rise as ha...

  • 奥巴马讲话 打造公平有竞争的市场环境

    17-01-03 Hi, everybody. If youve ever played a game of basketball in a gym, or entered a contest in school, or started a small business in your hometown, you know that competition is a good thing.It pushes us to do our best. And you know that a fight is only...

  • the economics of running 跑步经济

    16-06-23 There are two areas in which runners are prime consumers: footwear and events. In addition, runners often spend on other areas, such as apparel, accessories, books, magazines, coaching, specialty food and drink, and so on. The number of runners is i...

  • 奥巴马讲话 希望所有人都受益于自由市场

    16-04-23 Hello, everybody. One of Americas greatest strengths is our free market. A thriving private sector is the lifeblood of our economy-its how we create jobs, expand opportunities, and give everybody a shot at success. Its what has made America the stro...

  • 低剂量电离辐射用于保存蓝莓与葡萄有同效

    16-01-06 It is often necessary to treat produce for insects in order to transport crops out of quarantine areas. Fumigation with methyl bromide, one of the most common treatments, is in the process of being phased out because of its depleting effect on the o...

  • 调查:苹果领导团队更能胜任美国政府的管理工作

    15-12-24 Apple (33 percent) would do a better job than politicians taking over U.S. government operations, says a new Breakout BrandsTM survey by rbb Communications. The national survey tapped opinions on a variety of brand preferences. 营销传播公司rbb近日发...

  • 商标颜色影响消费者道德判断

    15-12-20 A new study looked at how colors influence or biases the way consumers make ethical judgments, specifically if they view a company as environmentally friendly. 一项新的调查研究颜色如何影响消费者的道德判断,尤其是他们是否认为该品牌环保友好。 Results...

  • omnichannel 全渠道的

    15-11-18 The adjective omnichannel is used to refer to a type of retail which integrates the different methods of shopping available to consumers, e.g. online, in a physical shop, or by phone. Omnichannel(全渠道的)是形容词,指一种综合了多种顾客购物手段的零...

  • 中国将保护消费金融产品

    15-11-13 Chinese consumers of financial products are to get better legal protection, according to an official document released on Friday. 周五发布的一份官方文件显示,中国消费者购买的金融产品将会得到更好的法律保护。 Protecting buyers of stocks, mutual funds,...