• cordon off 拉起警戒线封锁

    12-01-30 The exit had two escalators, ascending and descending, and was cordoned off after the accident. The subway operator said it immediately stopped operation of all 10 OTIS escalators on Line 4. 地铁出口处有两台自动扶梯,分别为上行和下行。事故发生后,现...

  • 安全警戒线 security cordon

    09-09-12 8月30日晚,巴基斯坦为驻阿富汗北约部队运送物资的补给车和油罐车在巴阿边境遭到塔利班武装袭击,25辆车被烧毁,并造成人员伤亡。 请看新华社的报道: According to officials, unidentified men fired rockets at the containers and NATO oil tankers in Chaman area...
