• 寻找生产生物燃料的廉价原料

    14-01-14 When it comes to biofuels, corn leads the all-important category of biomass yield. However, focusing solely on yield comes at a high price. In the current issue of the Proceedings for the National Academy of Sciences, Michigan State University resea...

  • 美国东部玉米螟虫的数量显著下降

    13-12-25 Populations of European corn borer(玉米螟) (ECB), a major corn crop pest , have declined significantly in the eastern United States, according to Penn State researchers. The decline suggests that the use of genetically modified, ECB-resistant corn...

  • 转基因玉米含大量有毒化学物

    13-04-19 A leaked study examining genetically-modified corn reveals that the lab-made alternative to organic crops contains a startling level of toxic chemicals. 一项被泄漏出来的检测转基因玉米的研究揭示,实验室造出的有机玉米替代品中的有毒化学物质含量惊人。 A...

  • The Ear of Corn

    13-03-27 In former times, when God himself still walked the earth, the fruitfulness of the soil was much greater than it is now; then the ears of corn did not bear fifty or sixty, but four or five hundred-fold. Then the corn grew from the bottom to the very...

  • The Grave-Mound

    13-03-27 A rich farmer was one day standing in his yard inspecting his fields and gardens. The corn was growing up vigorously and the fruit-trees were heavily laden with fruit. The grain of the year before still lay in such immense heaps on the floors that t...

  • 食用转基因玉米可能引发肿瘤

    12-09-23 France's government on Wednesday asked a health watchdog to carry out a probe, possibly leading to EU suspension of a genetically-modified corn, after a study in rats linked the grain to cancer. 法国政府本周三要求健康监管机构开展针对转基因玉米的一项...

  • 科学家完成玉米基因综合研究

    12-06-05 An interdisciplinary(各学科间的) team, led by researchers at Cornell University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), have just published the most comprehensive analysis to date of the corn genome. The te...

  • The Cats and The Corn

    11-03-29 The cats from the cat village went to the river for a picnic. A cat found a corn stalk(玉米杆) . What can the cats do with the corn stalk? He must be hungry.He is eating the kernels of corn. Oh,look!He stopped eating. Meow made a new tooth from a...

  • 玉米基因组相互差异很大

    10-11-24 Most living plant and animal species have a certain, relatively small, amount of variation in their genetic make-up. Differences in height, skin and eye color of humans, for example, are very noticeable(显而易见的,显著的) , but are actually the c...

  • 玉米基因组被成功解码

    09-11-20 In recent years, scientists have decoded the DNA of humans and a menagerie(兽群,动物园) of creatures but none with genes as complex as a stalk(茎) of corn, the latest genome to be unraveled(解释,解开). A team of scientists led by The Genome...