• self-incrimination 自证其罪

    12-01-09 The prohibition of illegal evidence extraction and self-incrimination has already been included in the current Criminal Procedure Law. 现行的《刑事诉讼法》已将非法取证和自证其罪列入禁止范围。 上面的报道中,self-incrimination就是自证其罪,在刑事案件...

  • Do What You Can 尽力而为就好

    11-10-07 In a courtroom, the judge sentenced a criminal to thirty years in prison and the prisoner said, But Sir, I wont live that long! So the judge replied, Don't worry, just do what you can! 在法庭上,法官宣判某个罪犯要服三十年徒刑。犯人说:不过庭上,我活...

  • 国际货币基金主席因性指控辞职

    11-05-19 International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn has offered to resign following an alleged sexual assault of a hotel maid in New York. 国际货币基金组织主席多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩因对纽约一座宾馆清洁工进行性侵犯受到指控而提出辞职。 Dominique S...

  • 奥巴马演讲 对图森枪击案表示哀悼1

    11-01-16 PRESIDENT OBAMA: We'll, Im very grateful to have my dear friend, Nicolas Sarkozy, here. And I think Nicolas has agreed that at the top I want to just make a few comments about the situation in Tucson, Arizona. Obviously all of us are still grieving...

  • 美国将对维基解密展开刑事调查

    10-12-05 The United States on Monday said it was carrying out a criminal investigation into WikiLeaks and would pursue the whistle-blower website's chief if he were found to have broken the law. 本周一,美国宣称正对维基解密网站展开刑事调查,如果发现这家泄密...

  • 谷歌街景地图具有犯罪企图

    10-06-10 Google is almost certain to face prosecution for collecting data from unsecured wi-fi networks, according to Privacy International (PI). 国际隐私权组织称,谷歌因私自从未加密的无线网络中收集数据而几乎肯定将受到起诉。 Pressure is mounting over Google'...

  • 美国对原油泄漏展开犯罪调查

    10-06-02 The US government has begun criminal and civil investigations into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Attorney General Eric Holder has announced. 美国司法部长埃里克霍尔德宣布,美国政府已经着手对墨西哥湾原油泄露事件展开犯罪、民事调查。 Workers are attempt...

  • DNA检测:洛杉矶、首尔的鲸肉产自日本

    10-04-15 An international team of Oregon State University scientists, documentary(纪录片) filmmakers and environmental advocates(拥护者,提倡者) has uncovered an apparent illegal trade in whalemeat, linking whales killed in Japan's controversial scientif...

  • 塞尔维亚与国际战犯法庭合作“进展顺利”

    09-12-04 The UN's chief war crimes prosecutor has said Serbia's co-operation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia is progressing. 联合国首席战争罪检察官称,塞尔维亚与国际战犯法庭关于前南斯拉夫战犯的合作进展顺利。 Mr Hadzic and G...

  • 言论:俄罗斯现在已成为一个“犯罪国家”

    09-11-23 Russia has now turned into a criminal state, according to the man who was once its leading foreign investor. 俄罗斯曾经的主要投资者称,俄罗斯现在已经变成一个犯罪国家。 Sergei Magnitsky died in prison Bill Browder of Hermitage Capital was reacting to...