• 中日海关AEO互认六月开始生效

    19-04-29 The China-Japan agreement on mutual Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) status will go into effect on June 1. 中国-日本海关经认证的经营者状态将于6月1日开始生效。 Under the agreement, companies that obtain the AEO status in the two countries will enjo...

  • 中国海关缴获7.48吨走私象牙

    19-04-16 Chinese customs seized 7.48 tonnes of smuggled ivory during an operation on March 30, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) said in a press release Monday. 中国海关总署周一在新闻发布会上表示,3月30日中国海关缴获7.48吨走私象牙。 It is the large...

  • 中国公民平均清关时间减小到45秒

    19-03-22 China has reduced the average customs clearance time for its citizens to 45 seconds since the establishment of the National Immigration Administration nearly a year ago. 自中国国家移民管理局成立将近一年以来,公民的清关放行平均时间已减小到45秒。 Data...

  • 美国海关:走私大闸蟹罚款1万美元

    18-12-03 Chinese Mitten Crab is one of a favorite dish of Chinese people, and its mature season is September to December. 大闸蟹是中国人最喜欢的菜品之一,其成熟的季节在9月至12月。 Generally, a crab can be sold for tens to few hundred yuan. In the United Stat...

  • 中国海关加强检查世界杯仿制品

    18-06-27 Chinese customs have seized a large batch of sportswear with designs pirated from those for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. 中国海关缴获了一大批盗版2018世界杯设计的运动装备。 Customs in Ningbo, east Chinas Zhejiang Province, announced on Monday seizure of...

  • 中国海关查获11.9吨走私穿山甲鳞片

    17-12-03 Chinese customs officers recently announced that 11.9 tons of smuggled pangolin scales had been confiscated. 中国海关近期宣布查获重达11.9吨的穿山甲鳞片。 Meanwhile, two suspects, surnamed Li and He, who used fake names to register their packages for...

  • 哈尔滨市海关查获大量走私象牙

    17-04-12 Over a ton of smuggled ivory has been seized by customs in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. 黑龙江省哈尔滨市海关查获一批重逾一吨的走私象牙。 In addition to the ivory, 73kg of woolly rhino horns and 1.11 tons of nephrite jade were also captured during...

  • 法律英语:Customs&tariff 海关和关税

    14-12-26 The customs formalities for the exportation of the following cargo have been duly completed. 下列货物的出关手续已经正式结清。 The Customs Bureau accepts certain foreign exports free of duty. 海关总署允许免税进口几种外国货。 The duty on automobiles w...
