• dog days 三伏天

    22-07-22 三伏天,指出现在小暑与处暑之间,一年中气温最高且又潮湿、闷热的日子。可以用英文习语dog days表示,意思是the hottest days of the summer。 例句: 夏季三伏天是一年中最热的日子。 The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year. 三伏天西瓜卖得快。...

  • dog days 炎炎夏日

    22-04-21 前不久,HM的一款新T恤突然在网上火了,为什么呢?因为它胸前写了一句英文:Dog Days Are Here? 啥意思?? 狗日子来了??? 嗯,就是因为大部分人都有了这个误解,所以这件衣服才火了。 不过,其实英语里的 dog days 指的是炎炎夏日。 为什么会有这样一个说法呢?这...

  • days are numbered 时日无多

    22-01-07 days are numbered numbered有时日无多和有限的意思,所以days are numbered其实是表示某人生命已经时日无多。 The doctors say his days are numbered. They dont have much hope of him surviving this illness. 医生说他已经时日无多。他们对他在这场病中活下来不抱...

  • have seen better days 今非昔比,光彩不再

    21-06-15 Have seen better days 这四个简单的词语凑在一起可形容曾盛及一时,光鲜亮丽的事物,现已过鼎盛时期,光彩不再,破旧不堪。 例句 Ive had my car for years. Its definitely seen better days. 我的车开了好多年了,现在已经非常破旧了。 Your bags seen better days....

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 37

    21-05-07 Mr. Crawford gone, Sir Thomass next object was that he should be missed; and he entertained great hope that his niece would find a blank in the loss of those attentions which at the time she had felt, or fancied, an evil. She had tasted of consequen...

  • dog days of summer 三伏天

    20-10-13 在一些文章中,会把三伏天叫作dog days (of summer),这是怎么回事儿呢? Sanfu, also called Chinas dog days of summer, refers to three 10-day periods that are predicted to have the hottest days of the year. 其实在英语中,dog days专门来形容北半球7、8月这...

  • The Blue Day

    15-04-29 Everybody has blue days. These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy, lonely and utterly exhausted. Days when you feel small and insignificant, when everything seems just out of reach. You can't rise to the occasion. Just getting started se...

  • The Blue Days

    14-04-02 Everybody has blue days. These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy(脾气暴躁的) , lonely, and utterly exhausted. Days when you feel small and insignificant, when everything seems just out of reach. You can't rise to the occasion. Just ge...

  • Egyptian Days 不吉利的日子

    13-12-13 Egyptian Days , also called Dismal Days, refer to days of the year that signify bad luck or ill omen. Egyptian Days(或Dismal Days)指一年当中代表厄运或凶兆的那些日子,字面意思可称之为埃及日,也就是不吉利的日子。 Behind the concept of Egyptian days...
