• 某致病因子可能导致结肠癌

    11-10-18 For the first time, a specific microorganism has been found to be associated with human colorectal(结肠直肠的) cancer. In two studies published online October 17 in Genome Research, independent research teams have identified Fusobacterium in colon...

  • 环境毒性物质会导致动脉硬化

    11-10-12 Environmental toxicants(有毒物) such as dioxins, PCBs, and pesticides can pose a risk for cardiovascular disease. For the first time a link has been demonstrated between atherosclerosis(动脉硬化) and levels of long-lived organic environmental to...

  • 绿色蔬菜能降低基因对心脏疾病的影响

    11-10-12 A long-held mantra(咒语) suggests that you can't change your family, the genes they pass on, or the effect of these genes. Now, an international team of scientists, led by researchers at McMaster and McGill universities, is attacking that belief....

  • 查加斯氏病在南德克萨斯州流传很广

    11-10-07 Chagas disease, a tropical parasitic(寄生的) disease that can lead to life-threatening heart and digestive disorders, may be more widespread in Texas than previously thought, according to research from The University of Texas at Austin. We've been...

  • 巴拉圭屠杀牲畜控制口蹄疫

    11-09-23 Paraguay has begun the slaughter of around 1,000 cattle in an attempt to eradicate an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. 巴拉圭已经屠杀近1000头牲畜,试图消灭已经爆发的口蹄疫。 Soldiers have been destroying the animals with rifles and burying them i...

  • 5种能导致冠状动脉疾病的基因被发现

    11-09-23 An international consortium of scientists reports the discovery of five new genes that affect the risk of developing coronary artery disease ( CAD冠状动脉疾病 ) and heart attacks in a study to be published in the open-access journal PLoS Genetics on...

  • 提高硬质小麦对疮痂病的免疫力

    11-09-19 Durum wheat(硬质小麦) is a valuable cereal crop(禾谷类作物) widely used for human consumption in the United States, Canada, and several European countries. Scab or Fusarium head blight(枯萎病) is one of the crop's most serious diseases, reduci...

  • 吃巧克力有利于心脏健康

    11-08-31 High levels of chocolate consumption might be associated with a one third reduction in the risk of developing heart disease, suggests a study published online in the British Medical Journal. The findings confirm results of existing studies that gene...

  • 有心脏疾病的孕妇数量不断上升

    11-08-30 Pre-existing heart disease is rarely a contraindication(禁忌症) to pregnancy -- indeed, many women with heart disorders tolerate pregnancy well -- but it remains a major concern that complications are frequent and in some cases may be life-threate...

  • 先天心脏病儿童体内易累积毒素

    11-08-28 Babies and toddlers with congenital(先天的) heart disease are at an increased risk of having harmful toxins in their blood, particularly following surgery, according to research by a team at Imperial College London. The study, published August 26...