• 睡得差的表达

    22-08-24 1. sleep deprivation 其中 deprivation 是剥夺、缺乏的意思。sleep deprivation 的意思就是缺觉、睡眠不足。 2. sleep disorder 除了睡眠不足,还有一种障碍是睡不着。这里的 disorder是混乱、紊乱的意思。 3. toss and turn 有一种入睡难,叫做辗转反侧,说的就是 to...

  • 孕期感染新冠影响婴儿学习能力

    22-06-13 Babies born to mothers who had COVID-19 while pregnant may be at higher than average risk for problems with brain development involved in learning, focusing, remembering, and developing social skills, researchers have found. 研究人员发现,孕妇感染新...

  • social phobia 社恐

    21-09-10 社恐可以译作social phobia或social anxiety disorder (SAD)。 phobia /fbi/的意思是恐惧症。 例句: He has a phobia about flying. 他对飞行有恐惧症。 Social phobia is the third largest psychological problem in the world today. 社交恐惧症是当今世界第三大...

  • 孕期压力使 “孩子更容易出现人格障碍”

    20-11-24 一项研究表明,如果孕妇在怀孕期间压力过大,她们的孩子在 30 岁之前患上人格障碍的可能性要比普通人高出近十倍。这项报告称,即使是适度的长期压力也可能会对胎儿的发育产生影响,这个影响在婴儿出生后仍会继续。 One in twenty people is thought to have a personal...

  • 长期自卑可能导致抑郁

    19-12-09 Low self-esteem makes us feel bad about ourselves. But did you know that over time it also can cause the development of serious mental conditions such as depression? 自卑让人自我感觉极差。你知道吗,长期自卑会导致抑郁等严重的精神问题。 Self-esteem is...

  • 澳洲女作家车祸后出现八重人格

    16-08-08 It was a plot twist Marcela Del Sol, an accomplished writer, never saw coming - she would wake up in hospital following a car accident and have to share her body with seven other people with their own very distinct personalities. 玛塞拉德尔索尔是一...

  • sibling rivalry disorder 同胞竞争障碍

    16-07-31 Suspecting the daughter may have caught encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain with similar symptoms, the worried parents then brought her to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine for treatment. Medical checks...

  • agoraphobia 广场恐惧症

    16-05-08 Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety in situations where the sufferer perceives the environment to be dangerous, uncomfortable, or unsafe. 广场恐惧症是一种焦虑症,具体表现为在特定环境下感到危险、不适或不安。 These situations c...