• Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 46

    16-04-05 The church clocks chimed three quarters past eleven, as two figures emerged on London Bridge. One, which advanced with a swift and rapid step, was that of a woman who looked eagerly about her as though in quest of some expected object; the other fig...

  • 使你容易偏离健康饮食的情境因素

    16-04-04 1. Youre stressed. Whether its caused by life challenges, illness, or fatigue, stress depletes you emotionally as well as physically. When you become depleted, food -- especially the salty, sweet, fatty, high calorie kind -- beckons you with promise...

  • 朝鲜发明一种能“防止宿醉”的酒

    16-01-23 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is claiming a new milestone -- the invention of hangover-free alcohol. 朝鲜宣布了一项重大发明:一种能防止宿醉的酒。 The state newspaper reported that Taedonggang Foodstuff Factory has introduced a gin...

  • 韩国发明家发明陪酒机器人

    16-01-23 With this mechanical friend, you'll never have to drink alone! 有了这个陪酒机器人,妈妈再也不担心我一个人喝闷酒了! Some creative visionaries harness the power of technology to help people work more efficiently or to stay connected with friends and...

  • 英国人吃饼干的地区差异

    15-10-27 Soggy bottoms are preferred in the North but southerners tend to favour a quick dunk. 北方人通常把饼干底部都泡得软软的,而南方人则只是蜻蜓点水般稍微泡一下。 Yes, England is divided when it comes to eating biscuits, according to a poll showing 65% of...

  • 澳洲司机不喝酒即有机会获酒馆代金券

    15-08-23 Townsville Police have come up with a unique way of stopping drivers from drink driving - rewarding those who 'blow zero' with the chance to win a $50 pub voucher. 为整治酒后驾车,澳大利亚汤斯维尔警察想出一个绝招:经过呼气酒精测试仪检测,酒精浓度为...

  • 专为防止宿醉设计的新饮品

    15-08-03 Sore heads the morning after the night before could become a thing of the past thanks to a 'revolutionary' new drink - designed to prevent HANGOVERS. 一种专为防止宿醉设计的革命性新饮品有望令宿醉第二天早上醒来后的头痛成为过去时。 The 3.60 drink, desi...

  • 德国企业家计划生产“希腊退欧”饮料

    15-07-09 Would you drink to Greece leaving the eurozone? 如果希腊退出欧元区,你会饮酒庆祝吗? A no vote in Greece's referendum on Sunday, when the public will vote on whether to accept austerity conditions for bailout funds, will be seen by major European le...

  • 26个奇葩英文单词

    15-05-12 agastopia n. admiration of a particular part of someones body 名词,指尤其迷恋某人身体的某一部分。 bibble v. to drink often; to eat and/or drink noisily 动词,经常喝酒;吃东西或喝东西时噪音很大。 cabotage n. coastal navigation; the exclusive right o...

  • 丹麦公司酿制可以激发创造力的啤酒

    14-12-28 One enterprising Danish firm has now created a beer to boost creativity - and even a bottle that ensures you drink the perfect amount. 丹麦的一家积极创新的公司已经酿制出一种可以激发创造力的啤酒只需一瓶就能足够让你的创造力爆发。 Called the Problem So...