• 纽约餐饮游乐场所将禁售大容量含糖饮料

    12-06-03 为了应对日益严峻的人口肥胖问题,纽约市长布隆伯格近日提议该市所有餐馆、小吃店、运动场馆以及影剧院禁售大容量的含糖饮料,只能提供16盎司(455毫升)的小杯规格。 Various size cups and sugar cubes are displayed at a news conference at New York's City Hall,...

  • preservative 防腐剂

    12-02-15 The Coca-Cola products that tested positive for a banned preservative in Taiwan have been recalled, and the Coca-Cola Co said its products on the Chinese mainland are completely safe to drink. 可口可乐公司的一款饮料在台湾被检测出含有违禁防腐剂,可口...

  • 大量饮用软性饮料易引发哮喘

    12-02-08 A new study published in the journal Respirology(呼吸病学) reveals that a high level of soft drink consumption is associated with asthma and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD慢性阻塞性肺病 ). Led by Zumin Shi, MD, PhD, of the Univers...

  • 四成癌症由不良生活习惯引起

    11-12-07 Nearly half of cancers diagnosed in the UK each year - over 130,000 in total - are caused by avoidable life choices including smoking, drinking and eating the wrong things, a review reveals. 一项评审显示,英国每年诊断出的癌症病人(总数超过13万),几...

  • 每天适度饮酒可使小肠细菌过度生长

    11-11-01 Just one drink per day for women -- two for men -- could lead to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth ( SIBO小肠细菌过度生长 ) and subsequently cause gastrointestinal(胃肠的) symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, constipation(便秘) and d...

  • 新型解酒药正在研制中

    11-10-15 If after-work drinks tend to leave you clinging with embarrassment the next morning, help could be at hand. 工作之余的酒局让你第二天早晨很尴尬?还在为此烦恼吗?别担心,新研制的千杯不醉解酒药可以帮你摆脱烦恼。 Scientists are developing a stay sober p...

  • 《捉刀手》四

    11-10-06 精彩对白 Ruth: Perfect fit. Now all you need is a drink. Ghost Writer: What are we having? Ruth: Biodynamic white wine from the Rhinehart Vinery in the Napa Valley. Ghost Writer: Rhinehart. He doesn't own a distillery , I suppose? Ruth: Mmm. Evening...

  • Pride and Prejudice - 29

    11-09-22 MR. Collins's triumph in consequence of this invitation was complete. The power of displaying the grandeur(壮丽,宏伟) of his patroness to his wondering visitors, and of letting them see her civility towards himself and his wife, was exactly what...

  • 中年女性每天少量饮酒有利身体健康

    11-09-07 Women who drink 15 grams or less of alcohol a day (the equivalent of one drink of any alcoholic beverage) at midlife may be healthier when older than women who do not drink at all, who consume more than two drinks a day, or who consume four drinks o...

  • I Can't Let Him Get Away 不能让他跑了

    11-08-30 A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him. She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways. Wow, she thought, this crab is really special. I can't let him get away. So they got married immediately. The next day she notice...