• In Bloom, Where the Meadow Rises

    13-12-19 In Bloom, Where the Meadow Rises Nathaniel Perry Do you remember when the sky burned down its wick of light as an April cold came on the evening of your fifth day in the world? Of course you don't, you couldn't even hold your head up yet, much less...

  • 每天喝八杯水有益健康无确切根据

    13-10-25 没有证据表明一天之内除了饮用其他饮料外再喝八杯水会对你有益,事实是这可能对身体有害。生活在温带气候的人若没有保持体力锻炼,一天则需要六至八杯水,不过这些水分可以通过食物、酒或含咖啡因的饮料获得。 Drinking eight cups or two litres of water a day is lo...

  • 酒杯的颜色大小形状影响葡萄酒的倒入量

    13-09-30 Pouring a glass of wine is rarely an exact measurement, especially in a social setting(社会环境) . While most people think of a glass as one serving, in reality it could be closer to two or three. Just how much one pours is influenced by a variety...

  • 《恋恋笔记本》一

    13-09-23 精彩对白 Allie: Daddy. Oh, Daddy you're--I didn't see you there. You kinda scared me. Dad: Becoming friendly with that boy down there. Allie: Yes. Dad: Bring him to the house on Sunday. I want to meet this young man. Allie: Okay. Good night, Daddy....

  • The Twelve Idle Servants

    13-07-12 Twelve servants who had done nothing all the day would not exert themselves at night either, but laid themselves on the grass and boasted of their idleness(懒惰) . The first said, What is your laziness to me, I have to concern myself about mine ow...

  • 美国市民宣称发现可口可乐配方副本

    13-05-19 Atlanta's Cliff Kluge claims to have stumbled upon a 70-year-old copy of the official recipe for Coca-Cola, and he's selling it on eBay for $5 million. 美国亚特兰大市的克利夫克拉格宣称,他无意中发现七十年前的一份可口可乐正式配方副本,并在eBay网站标...

  • 杯子颜色影响巧克力热饮的口感

    13-01-04 Two researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Oxford have demonstrated that hot chocolate tastes better in an orange or cream coloured cup than in a white or red one. The study adds to recent research demonstratin...

  • 乐极生悲

    12-08-09 Chunyu Kun lived in the state of Qi during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC). He was wise, humorous and eloquent(雄辩的) . He skillfully advised the king on many occasions and successfully went to many states as an envoy. In the year 349 BC,...

  • Coca-colonization 可口可乐化

    12-07-09 Coca-colonization is a term that refers to globalization or cultural colonization. It is a portmanteau of the name of the multinational soft drink maker Coca-Cola and the word colonization. 可口可乐化(Coca-colonization)一词是跨国软饮制造商Coca-Col...

  • 怀孕初期少量饮酒不会影响胎儿发育

    12-06-20 Drinking a low or moderate level of alcohol in early pregnancy is not linked to developmental problems in five-years-olds, researchers say. 研究人员称,怀孕初期少量或适度饮酒不会对孩子五岁之前的健康问题有影响。 The Danish research, published in the...