• To put a sock in it. 保持安静。

    22-06-28 1. To put a sock in it to tell someone noisy to be quiet. 放只袜子在里面告诉某个很吵的人保持安静。 Jane was yelling while I was studying so I told her to put a sock in it. 当我在学习时简却在那边大喊大叫,于是我让她闭嘴。 2. To have a cast iron stoma...

  • go cold turkey 突然放弃或停止上瘾或者危险的行为

    22-05-11 (To) Go cold turkey 是不是听起来很怪?你的感觉是对的,这个确实很奇怪,谁会说go cold turkey?一个人不可能变成我们在圣诞节和感恩节中愿意吃的火鸡。这个英语俚语的起源很怪,它表示突然放弃或停止上瘾或者危险的行为,比如抽烟或饮酒。据说这个俚语起源于二十世...

  • 如何用英语和前任说再见——借酒消愁

    22-05-11 I believe in the saying of drinking down sorrow. 我相信借酒消愁的说法。 He got disappointed by my repeated wrongdoings and began to drown his worries in drink. 我一次次的折腾简直令他失望了,终日泡在酒中,借酒消愁。 He sought escape in the bottle fro...

  • propose a toast 敬酒

    22-03-23 春节期间,走亲串友难免餐桌应酬,合适的酒桌礼仪(Chinese drinking etiquette)能让你给人留下好的印象。 酒桌文化在世界各国都有,但在中国尤其重要。它不仅是一种社交文化,更是礼仪的象征。 从倒酒到喝酒,每一个环节都有讲究,尤其是敬酒(propose a toast)。汉...

  • The Mouse with a Neck Fetish

    22-03-09 A mouse and a lion were drinking in a bar, as they did every Friday, when a giraffe walked in. Get a load of her said the mouse. Well, why not try your luck? replied the lion. The mouse thought for a moment, and decided the lion was right. So, he to...

  • 苏格兰一家公司用酿酒副产品转化为汽车燃料

    21-10-26 虽然酒后不能开车,但是酿酒副产品却能转化为汽车燃料。苏格兰一家生物科技公司运用威士忌酿造过程中留下的麦渣和酒糟生产出了可持续的新燃料,让酒和车这对冤家也可以愉快地合作。 A Scottish biotech company has found a way of turning on its head the adage that...

  • 无论喝多少酒都会危害大脑

    21-05-20 有人以为,适量饮酒不会有损健康,甚至可能有益健康。然而新研究发现,无论你喝的是什么酒,无论你喝多喝少,都会对你的大脑造成危害。 There is no such thing as a safe level of drinking, with increased consumption of alcohol associated with poorer brain hea...

  • 闻闻咖啡 清醒清醒

    21-01-07 咖啡有提神醒脑的功效,但它的奥秘可不止于此。专家表示,咖啡豆发出的醉人香气也同样重要。 There are only a few truly pleasant smells to wake up to in the morning. It might be the aroma of freshly baked bread, or the scent of your partners freshly brush...