• 一项十年的研究可造福狼疮患者

    10-11-05 Today, individuals with lupus(狼疮) nephritis(肾炎) benefit from better treatments than a decade ago, according to a review appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society Nephrology (JASN). The article suggests that patien...

  • 阿富汗总统批评美俄联合缉毒行动

    10-10-31 Afghan President Hamid Karzai has criticised the first joint operation by Russian and US agents to destroy drug laboratories in his country. 俄国和美国特工举行首次联合行动捣毁阿富汗境内的毒品生产窝点,阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊对此表示强烈不满。 Mr Karzai s...

  • 墨西哥保安部队收缴105吨大麻

    10-10-19 Mexican security forces in the city of Tijuana, on the border with the US, have seized 105 tonnes of marijuana - the largest such drug haul for many years. 墨西哥与美国边境城市提华纳城保安部队收缴105吨大麻这是近几年来收缴数量最多的毒品。 The army sa...

  • 冈比亚将对藏毒者处以死刑

    10-10-07 The Gambia has introduced harsher penalties against drug crime, including execution for anyone found holding more than 250g of cocaine or heroin. 冈比亚将对毒品犯罪采取更加严厉的惩罚,任何人持有超过250g的可卡因或者海洛因就会被判处死刑。 West Africa...

  • 新生儿脱瘾症状的治疗将改善

    10-10-07 Thousands of infants each year have exposure to opioids(阿片类药物) before they are born. Over half of these infants are born with withdrawal symptoms severe enough to require opioid replacement treatment in the nursery. Such treatment is associat...

  • 俄教授研制出抗衰老药

    10-09-30 俄罗斯莫斯科的一位生物能量学教授近日宣布,他已研制出一种能够有效延缓衰老的不老药,并有望于几年内上架销售,这位科学家用40年的时间研制出一种抗氧化剂,能够有效抑制氧分子对人体的有害影响。 A Russian scientist claims to have discovered an anti- oxidant(...

  • 希拉里:墨西哥毒品犯罪犹如暴动

    10-09-09 Drug-related violence in Mexico increasingly has the hallmarks of an insurgency, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said. 美国国务卿希拉里称,墨西哥越来越多的毒品犯罪具有暴动的特点。 The Mexican army has spearheaded the fight against drug car...

  • 墨西哥军方击毙27名贩毒歹徒

    10-09-03 The Mexican army says it has killed 27 suspected drug cartel gunmen in a clash near the US border. 墨西哥军方称,在美国边界发生的一场冲突中,27位贩毒嫌疑歹徒被击毙。 A patrol came under fire as it approached an apparent training camp spotted during...

  • 墨西哥警方抓获毒枭埃德加·瓦尔迪兹

    10-08-31 Mexican police have arrested top drug trafficker Edgar Valdez, a US citizen also known as Barbie, Mexico's attorney general says. 墨西哥司法部长称,墨西哥警方逮捕头号毒品贩子埃德加瓦尔迪兹,一位被称为芭比娃娃的美国公民。 Valdez had a $2m tag on his...

  • 中草药可减轻化学疗法的副作用

    10-08-19 A combination of Chinese herbs(药草) in use for more than 1,800 years reduced the gastrointestinal(胃肠的) side effects of chemotherapy(化学疗法) in mice, while actually enhancing the effects of the cancer treatment, Yale University researcher...