• muffin top 腰腹部的赘肉

    22-05-07 muffin top 腰腹部的赘肉 Notes: muffin是松饼的意思,它的形状是上宽下窄,所以muffin top就可以很容易理解为多出来的赘肉。 例如: I cant eat like this any more. I have a muffin top. 我不能再这样吃下去了,都有游泳圈了。...

  • eat soup 喝汤

    22-03-01 看到这个标题千万别惊讶。 我知道不少同学一看到喝,会下意识地想用drink作为对应。但喝汤最地道的英语表达不是drink soup,而是eat soup。前者是典型的中式英语了,所谓的中式英语就是做字对字翻译,而不顾及语言背后的习惯和文化。 汤(soup),在东西方的饮食中都占...

  • 用地道的英语点自己喜欢的菜

    22-02-18 要点菜时,服务员可能会问你: Are you ready to order?可以点菜了吗? Can I take your order?可以点菜了吗? 回答时,比起I want,本地人可能更喜欢用Can I get 比如, Can I get some chili oil, please? 我可以要一点辣油吗? 或者, Can I order a lamb wontons...

  • eat sb alive 愤怒地批评

    22-01-07 1. eat sb alive 小谢尔顿又上台和神父辩论了,奶奶说谢尔顿会秒杀神父。 eat sb alive这个短语看起来很可怕,它的意思是愤怒地批评。 If we get our facts wrong well be eaten alive by the press. 如果我们把事实弄错了,媒体会对我们大肆发难的。 2. sport 大家都...

  • 乘机旅行前最好避免摄入什么食物

    21-11-18 疫情的来袭让很多人不敢在飞机上吃东西,改为在乘机前进食。专家指出,乘机前不能乱吃东西,否则后果很严重。来看看哪些食物上了黑名单。 Eating on a plane used to be common practice. But in the age of COVID-19, many passengers are understandably less inclin...

  • eat、have、take

    21-09-14 Eat、have 和 take 都可以用来谈论和吃东西有关的话题,但它们的意思和用法不完全相同。 先来看动词 eat。Eat 可以作不及物动词使用,泛指 吃饭,吃东西。来听两个例句。 Examples Are you alright? Youre not eating at all. (你还好吗?你什么东西都没吃。) As a f...

  • eat sb's lunch 打败某人

    21-08-11 eat sbs lunch字面意思是吃了某人的午饭,实际上是表达打败某人(to be much more successful than someone)。 例句: Unless were careful, foreign competitors will eat our lunch. 如果我们不小心谨慎,外国的对手会打败我们。 Ive been practicing really hard b...

  • to eat your words 承认自己说错了话

    21-06-29 俗话说说出去的话,泼出去的水,人们用这个说法比喻说出去的话就像泼出去的水一样难以收回。在英语里,如果某人说错了话,想收回去,那么就可以形象地用eat your words 吃掉说出的话来承认自己说错了话。 例句 I used to think that Louise was mean, but I had to eat...

  • 独自用餐的乐趣

    21-05-18 你喜不喜欢一个人吃饭?虽然有不少人和文章关注讨论独自吃饭的消极一面,但这种饮食方式可能也有它积极的一面。 Should you eat to live or live to eat?... a question posed by French playwright Moliere in his work The Miser. While eating is functional, and o...

  • 瘦人有什么独特的饮食习惯

    21-05-16 1. Eat less: the 80% rule 少吃:八分饱原则 According to the Okinawans, you should eat until youre 80% full. Okinawans call this rule Hara Hachi Bu. Heres a simple fact: it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to inform your brain that youre full. So when yo...