• 开饭啦!

    20-10-17 1. Grubs up. 开饭了;饭好了。 名词grub是食物的口语说法,不适用于正式场合。 比如:good grub好吃的东西;pub grub酒吧食物;grab some grub 吃点东西。 2. Foods on the table. 饭已经上桌了。 我们可以用这句话表示食物已经准备好,就等大家来吃了。 3. Come and...

  • 我不想吃这个东西。

    20-10-16 1. Thank you. Ill pass. 谢谢你。我还是不吃了。 动词pass在这里的意思是不需要,不吃。 2. Sorry, Id rather not eat this. 不好意思,我不想吃这个东西。 这句话听起来相对正式,它的字面意思是:我宁愿不吃这个东西,实际是在委婉地表达:我不想吃这个食物。 3. So...

  • eat no fish 忠实可靠的人;诚实可信的人

    20-09-18 Eat no fish是一句英国的民间俗语,这句话的来源是: 英国伊丽莎白一世即位后,面临的首要任务是处理遗留的宗教问题。她大刀阔斧地对宗教问题进行改革:颁布新的《至尊法案》和《三十九信条》,重立英国国教,与罗马教廷决裂,确定英国国王为英国教会最高首领。 其中《...

  • “我饿了”地道的表达方式

    17-04-12 could eat a horse 字面是饿的可以把整匹马给吃下去,当然并不是真的要吃下整匹马,在此是形容特别饿,饿得不行,得要吃东西的意思。 Oh man, Im so hungry that I could eat a horse. 嘿哥儿们,我饿得不行了。 You know what. Im so hungry that I could eat a horse...

  • 如何来吐槽那些糟糕的饭菜

    17-02-27 1. A dry sandwich is a drag to eat. 放干的三明治很难吃。 2. The lousy food upsets my stomach. 这饭菜太糟糕了,吃得我肚子直难受。 3. That pizza tastes like cardboard. 那张披萨味同嚼蜡。 4. The dishes were many, but they were all poorly cooked. 菜很多...

  • 12个关于食物的无稽之谈 上

    16-08-08 1 MYTH: Eating celery burns more calories than you take in TRUTH: Bad news for dieters: celery does not contain negative calories, meaning you wont burn fat the more you eat. But, with just two calories per stalk and it being a good source of fibre,...

  • Staring Me In The Face <3>

    16-04-21 You left it in the lift, he said. May I sit down? His voice was soft. Cultivated. What could I say? The tables were all pretty full so I nodded. He began to eat. Id always thought he picked at his food. But as I watched, I noticed that he selected s...

  • 厨房的整洁度影响食量

    16-02-23 Turns out, you're not just what you eat -- you're also where you eat. 研究证明,不仅你吃的是什么很重要,你在哪儿吃的也很重要。 Researchers from Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab found that study participants snacked on double the number of cal...

  • 各国餐桌礼仪大盘点 下

    16-01-16 Afghanistan Always: Lift and kiss bread when dropped on the floor. Never: Sit your guests closest to the door. They should be seated the forthest away. South Korea Always: Keep pace with all of the other diners. Do not eat too fast or too slow. Neve...

  • 各国餐桌礼仪大盘点 上

    16-01-16 Britain Always: Eat with your fork in your left hand and knife in your right. Never: Speak with your mouth full. Denmark Always: Place your fork downwards on a plate if you want seconds. Never: Take the last item on any given plate. You must continu...