• have little food to eat 食不果腹

    22-12-26 食不果腹,汉语成语,意思是吃不饱肚子,形容生活艰难。可以翻译为have little food to eat,have not sufficient food to eat等。 例句: 请关心一下今冬食不果腹的人。 Spare a thought for those without enough to eat this winter....

  • 《魔发奇缘》第12章

    22-09-07 As Mother Gothel tore through the forest searching for Rapunzel, Flynn and Rapunzel were still searching for a place to eat. Ah, there it is! Flynn exclaimed at last. The Snuggly Duckling! Rapunzel stared at the little tavern. It looked interesting....

  • 《唐顿庄园》英式俚语:绝不会善罢甘休

    22-08-26 1. 绝不会善罢甘休 伯爵夫人对继承人一事仍不死心,她觉得老夫人也不会轻易答应。 Not while your mother breathes air. 老夫人只要尚有余息, 绝不会善罢甘休。 2. 影响食欲 老夫人是唐顿庄园里最有智慧最冷幽默的长者,说话总是一针见血。 Please dont speak that ma...

  • 吃撑了

    22-08-17 1. Ive had all I can eat. 能吃的都吃了,再也吃不下了。 2. I couldnt eat another mouthful. 我吃不动了。 3. I can hardly move. 吃了太多,快挪不动了。 4. Ill burst if I eat another mouthful. 再吃就该撑到爆了。 5. Theres no room for any more. 实在没地方...

  • 看吃播可能会让你越来越胖

    22-08-16 近日,话题看吃播或将引发脑内炎症登上微博热搜,引发网友讨论。 不久前发表于《细胞代谢》(Cell Metabolism)的一篇研究发现:食物对人体视觉、味觉、嗅觉的刺激,会引起脑内炎症因子释放增加。过量的炎症因子释放会抑制头期胰岛素释放,造成严重的炎症反应,减缓了...


    22-07-27 THE MINDLESS EATER 无知觉型的吃货 Do you: 你有木有: Eat without thinking? 吃前根本不细想? Graze continuously? 停不下来的吃吃吃? Eat if food is around or offered, regardless of what or when it is? 有食物在旁边就吃,有的吃就吃,不管是啥,不管什么时...

  • 周末如何度过

    22-07-04 go out to eat 下馆子 go out (to a bar or club) 泡吧、泡夜店 see a movie 看电影 chill out at home 在家放松 sleep in 睡懒觉 catch up on sleep 补眠 lay around the house 懒在家里 do some housework 做家务 spend time with your family 陪陪家人 get together...

  • eat your heart out 妒忌或羡慕别人

    22-07-04 Eat your heart out 指妒忌或羡慕别人。 Im going to New York next week. Eat your heart out! 我下周就要去纽约了。你就嫉妒吧! When he hears about your promotion hell eat his heart out. 他要是听到你升职的消息,肯定羡慕得不得了。 Follow your heart 跟从内...

  • 荷兰史基浦机场用猪驱赶鸟类

    22-05-18 Are pigs the new scarecrows? 猪也能像稻草人一样,被用来驱赶鸟? Josse Haarhuis, Farmer, Extraordinary Pigs I think pigs are the best scarecrows you can have. They are really big, large, moving. And they are a natural way of keeping the geese away....