• 以色列在美国的间谍活动数量惊人

    14-05-11 Israel spies on the United States more than any other ally does and these activities have reached an alarming level, Newsweek magazine reported on Tuesday. 据美国《新闻周刊》消息称,以色列在美国的间谍活动比其它任何盟国都多,而且这些活动已经达到惊人...

  • 普京举行年度大型记者招待会

    13-12-27 据俄罗斯媒体12月19日报道,当天,俄总统普京在莫斯科举行年度大型记者招待会,就俄政治、经济、社会和民生等问题以及备受关注的斯诺登事件和俄乌关系回答了记者提问。 I envy Obama because he can spy on his allies without any consequences, said Putin when aske...

  • 斯诺登父亲:儿子背叛政府却未背叛美国人民

    13-07-05 Former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden might voluntarily return to the United States if given assurances of his constitutional rights, his father said in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder. 据路透社最新报道,斯诺登的父亲近日在给美国...

  • 乌克兰、俄罗斯相互指责对方从事间谍活动

    10-02-03 The Ukrainian and Russian authorities have publicly accused each other of spying. 乌克兰政府和俄罗斯政府相互公开指责对方从事间谍活动。 Ukraine said it had expelled开除,驱逐 four Russians and detained another on suspicion of espionage间谍活动 . Russ...

  • 美国科学家受间谍指控

    09-10-20 An American scientist who worked for the US defence department and the space agency Nasa has been charged with attempted espionage, officials say. 美国官员称,一位为国防部和航空航天局工作的美国科学家被指控有间谍嫌疑。 Mr Nozette developed technology...
