• Return to Paradise

    12-09-28 Lisa stood facing the Caribbean Sea, feeling the faint breeze against her face; her eyes were shut and she felt the white sand warm between her bare toes. The place was beautiful beyond belief, but it was still unable to ease the grief she felt as s...

  • 韩国男性逐渐蜕变成脂粉男

    12-09-23 Cho Won-hyuk stands in front of his bedroom mirror and spreads dollops of yellow-brown makeup over his forehead, nose, chin and cheeks until his skin is flawless. Then he goes to work with a black pencil, highlighting his eyebrows until they're thic...

  • 英国人50个常见的尴尬时刻

    12-09-17 Forgetting people's names and unsightly sweat patches are among the most common faux pas that leave Britons blushing with embarrassment four times a day. 忘记人名、难看的汗渍,这些失态行为都是让英国人一天脸红四次的最常见的原因。 Tripping in public a...

  • face consumption 面子消费

    12-08-30 These purchases, which are not for practical needs, but merely to show off and gratify the owners'vanity, are called face consumptions . 这类消费行为不完全是为了实际需要,更多是出于炫耀和满足面子的目的,因此被称为面子消费。 文中的face consumptions就...

  • 《另一个女人》五

    12-07-06 精彩对白 Carolyn: Miss Greenleaf? Jack told me you moved out. Emilia: You talked to him? Carolyn: Yes, I did. William was very upset to see you leave with your suitcase. You never understood that children have eyes, have you? I called Jack to talk a...

  • 比雀斑更美的

    12-06-07 An elderly woman and her little grandson, whose face was sprinkled with bright freckles(雀斑) , spent the day at the zoo. Lots of children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted by a local artist who was ecorating them with tiger paws. Y...

  • 长时间低头坐着会使面部皮肤松弛

    12-05-21 It is believed that smartphone and laptop use, could cause facial skin and muscle to lose its elasticity as people spend an increasing amount of time sat with their heads bent. 据认为,经常使用智能手机和笔记本电脑会导致人的面部皮肤和肌肉失去弹性,因...

  • 东施效颦

    12-03-29 Xi Shi, a famous beauty, had a pain in her bosom(胸部) , so she had a frown on her face when she went out. An ugly girl who lived nearby saw her and thought she looked very beautiful. therefore when she went home, she also put her hands on her bos...

  • 美国医生完成最复杂的面部移植手术

    12-03-28 US doctors have carried out what they say is the most extensive face transplant ever performed. 美国医生完成了一场他们做过的最复杂的面部移植手术。 Richard Norris received a new jaw and teeth in the 36-hour operation The operation at the University o...

  • Face Yoga 面部瑜伽

    12-03-22 It's the latest weapon in the fight against the signs of aging. This is Face Yoga , also called Grimace Yoga. Its a yoga technique which requires facial muscles to be stretched as far as possible in order to relieve pressure and prevent wrinkles. To...