• face time 面会时间

    13-06-09 Ambitious workers used to fight for face time with the boss. Salespeople wanted more face time with customers. In these days of telecommuting, face time takes on an expanded meaning. Its the time that telecommuters physically meet the co-workers the...

  • resolutionist 新年计划族

    13-06-09 A resolutionist is a person who joins the gym in early January because of their New Years Resolution but doesnt follow through with it afterwards. Resolutionists can be spotted by their pasty white skin, excessive fat, poor form, and blank look on t...

  • Afterlife

    13-04-22 Afterlife Daniel Hoffman It must be easier if one believes The soul's immortal, and survives someplace, Say in Heaven, where it keeps its face And to such singularity each cleaves(劈开) , Or, as in childhood, when I used to think That souls were p...

  • Eight Cousins - Chapter 16

    13-03-15 Bread And Button-Holes What in the world is my girl thinking about all alone here, with such a solemn face? asked Dr. Alec, coming into the study, one November day, to find Rose sitting there with folded hands and a very thoughtful aspect. Uncle, I...

  • 俄纹身师将自己名字纹在女友脸上

    13-02-07 一位名叫罗斯兰图曼尼兹的纹身师与女友一见钟情,并在两人初次见面几小时后将自己的名字用哥特体纹在了女友的脸上。 A tattoo artist has inked his name across his lovers face in elaborate Gothic script just hours after they met for the first time. A tattoo...

  • 7个显瘦化妆小窍门

    12-12-03 Makeup can be a powerful tool in helping you look slim. Just look at any celebrity. Most do not look like they do on their own. Their makeup and hair really change how their faces look and draw attention to their best features. You can use some of t...

  • smartphone face 手机脸

    12-11-27 It is believed that smartphone and laptop use, could cause facial skin and muscle to lose its elasticity as people spend an increasing amount of time sat with their heads bent. 有研究认为,经常使用智能手机和笔记本电脑会导致人的面部皮肤和肌肉失去弹性...

  • 《美国队长》三

    12-11-16 片段对白 Steven: I know this neighborhood. I got beat up in that alley. And that parking lot . And behind that diner . Agent Carter: Did you have something against running away? Steven: You start running, they'll never let you stop. You stand up, yo...

  • 泰国兴起打脸美容法

    12-11-02 A Thai natural health practitioner claims she can turn back the clock simply by 'face-slapping.' 一位泰国自然疗法医师称,她可以通过扇耳光让青春倒流。 The traditional technique is said to erase wrinkles, shrink pores, and tighten the skin without sur...

  • frozen face effect 冻脸效应

    12-10-02 When a video of someone speaking is paused, the stationary image of the speaker typically appears less flattering than the video, which contained motion. We call this the frozen face effect (FFE). 视频中某人正在说话的画面被暂停时,静止画面中的人通常...