• 大众脸能让你看上去更可靠

    14-12-22 Being described as average-looking might not sound like much of a compliment, but having a 'typical' face means people trust you more. 没有人会觉得相貌平平会是一种赞美,不过一张大众脸能让你看上去更可靠。 Psychologists created a scale of faces, rangi...

  • 丑女效颦

    14-12-18 Xi Shi, a famous beauty, had a pain in her bosom, so she had a frown on her face when she went out. An ugly girl who lived nearby saw her and thought she looked very beautiful. Therefore when she went home, she also put her hands on her bosom and ha...

  • To Kill a Mockingbird 杀死一只知更鸟 Chapter 22

    14-12-08 It was Jem's turn to cry. His face was streaked with angry tears as we made our waythrough the cheerful crowd. It ain't right, he muttered, all the way to the corner of thesquare where we found Atticus waiting. Atticus was standing under the street...

  • To Kill a Mockingbird 杀死一只知更鸟 Chapter 14

    14-11-13 Although we heard no more about the Finch family from Aunt Alexandra, we heardplenty from the town. On Saturdays, armed with our nickels, when Jem permitted me toaccompany him (he was now positively allergic to my presence when in public), wewould s...

  • face bra 脸部内衣

    14-10-15 It seems that women will place their faith in all manner of weird and wonderful beauty lotions, potions and gadgets in their quest for youth. 女同胞们似乎愿意相信任何可以让她们保持年轻的奇特又神奇的美容乳液、药水和仪器。 But one store in Japan is ta...

  • Who is uglier 谁更丑

    14-09-16 Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, was not very handsome, and he knew. One day, Lincoln was walking in the street when he was stopped by an ugly man. The man had a pistol in his hand. He aimed at Lincoln's nose. Lincoln was very surpri...

  • Kidnapped 诱拐 Chapter 5

    14-09-05 Chapter 5 David comes home We decided that Alan would stay hidden in the fields, while I walked to Queensferry to find Mr Rankeillor. Alan promised not to come out until he heard me return. In order to be sure that it was me, he taught me to whistle...

  • 为什么我们戴上墨镜更好看

    14-07-06 And now, Science of Us attempts to unravel the answers to a summertime question of monumental importance: Why does nearly everyone instantly look more attractive with sunglasses on? 现在,《我们的科学》栏目将解开一个长期以来十分重要的夏日之谜:为什...

  • 人类有21种表情

    14-04-20 When you're feeling one of those combination emotions, like sadly angry or happily disgusted, it shows on your face in a unique way, a new study shows. 研究显示,当人们感受到上述复合情感时,例如悲愤或者又开心又讨厌,这些情感就会以一种特别的方式呈现...

  • 脊椎动物的面部进化历程

    14-02-13 A team of French and Swedish researchers have presented new fossil evidence for the origin of one of the most important and emotionally significant parts of our anatomy(解剖学) : the face. Using micron resolution X-ray imaging, they show how a ser...