• 特斯拉将在上海与当地合作伙伴建厂

    17-06-20 American electric carmaker Tesla is seeking local partner in China, and is reportedly close to reaching an agreement to produce vehicles in China for the first time, reports Bloomberg. 彭博社报道,美国电动汽车生产商特斯拉正在中国寻找本地合作伙伴,据...

  • 巴西将利用转基因蚊子灭蚊

    16-11-07 The mosquito genocide is beginning. Millions of genetically modified versions of the useless vampire insects are being prepared for release in Brazil. If all goes according to plan, the mosquitoes will have a huge sex party and begin to kill off all...

  • 社交媒体上的“标签自拍”运动

    16-05-07 Fashion and politics do not make the happiest of bedfellows. 在时尚和政治领域不会有愉快的共事者。 For all its virtue signalling, a system based on inequality and insecurity - thats the fashion business - has little room for genuine compassion. Howev...

  • What Goes Around, Comes Around

    16-04-21 He was driving home one evening, on a two lane country road. Work in this small mid-western community, was almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac. But he never quit looking. Ever since the factory closed, hed been unemployed, and with winter raging o...

  • 埃及一座家具厂发生火灾 25人丧生

    15-07-29 At least 25 people have been killed in a fire in a furniture factory in northern Egypt. 埃及北部一座家具厂发生火灾,至少25人丧生。 22 others were injured. The cause of the fire is not immediately clear. One employee in the building, Islam Yousry, sa...

  • intelligent manufacturing in China 中国智造

    15-06-25 The key to achieving the new industrial revolution is intellectualization, which requires China to improve its infrastructural level from made in China to created in China and to intelligent manufacturing in China . 实现新工业革命的关键在于智能化,...

  • 比亚迪今年将在巴西开设分厂

    15-03-03 BYD is to open its first factory in Brazil this year. 比亚迪今年将在巴西开设第一家工厂。 File phot of BYD representives negotiating with Brazilian side on July 17, 2014. The move aims to optimize urban transport and reduce costs of vehicles for the...

  • 伊利在新西兰开设分厂

    14-11-26 Chinese dairy giant Yili has opened a wholly-owned production plant in Canterbury, New Zealand. 中国乳制品巨头伊利在新西兰坎特伯雷建设了一座全资生产工厂。 The launching ceremony of Yili Oceania Production Base is held in New Zealand on November 25,...

  • 捷豹路虎在中国常熟开设首家海外工厂

    14-10-22 British luxury carmaker Jaguar Land Rover has opened its first overseas factory in the city of Changshu. 英国豪华汽车制造商捷豹路虎在中国常熟开设了首家海外工厂。 The new factory, equally owned by Jaguar and its Chinese partner Chery, will produce Ja...

  • 美国某公司员工上厕所需刷卡计时

    14-07-25 据悉,芝加哥节水水龙头公司从去年冬天开始在工厂一楼的洗手间安装刷卡系统,员工出入厕所都需要刷卡。 Spend more than 6 minutes a day in the bathroom at Chicago's WaterSaver Faucet company and you'll face disciplinary measures. That's what a union conten...