• 奇怪的名字

    14-05-30 An old man who lived in the country had given his two sons very strange names. He named his elder son Thief, the younger one Hit. One day Thief had just stepped out of the door when something occurred to his father. To call him back, his father shou...

  • The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman 5

    14-05-22 Marzavan was rejoiced, and set out at once for Prince Camaralzaman's residence. The ship on which he embarked had a prosperous voyage till she got within sight of the capital of King Schahzaman, but when just about to enter the harbour she suddenly...

  • Seagull 海鸥

    14-05-20 A person who lived by the sea loved seagulls very much. Every morning he would go to the seaside to play with the seagulls, and more than a hundred seagulls would fly to him one by one continuously. This person's father said to him, I hear that the...

  • Noureddin and the Fair Persian 3

    14-05-14 Throughout one entire year Noureddin did nothing but amuse himself, and dissipate(驱散) the wealth his father had taken such pains to acquire. The year had barely elapsed, when one day, as they sat at table, there came a knock at the door. The sla...

  • There's only ONE policeman

    14-04-25 One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad? Well, my son, his father replied, look, the...

  • The Echo

    14-04-23 A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, the son falls, hurts himself and screams, AAAhhhh!!! To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain, AAAhhhh!!! Curious, he yells, Who are you? He receives the a...

  • The Enchanted Horse - 3

    14-04-09 So the prince began at the beginning, and told all the story of the festival of Nedrouz held yearly in Persia, and of the splendid spectacles celebrated in its honour. But when he came to the enchanted horse, the princess declared that she could nev...

  • Stupid Orders 愚蠢的命令

    14-04-08 When Nasreddin was a boy, he never did what he was told, so his father always told him to do the opposite of what he wanted him to do. One day, when the two were bringing sacks of flour home on their donkeys, they had to cross a shallow river. When...

  • 父亲年龄大 孩子相貌丑寿命长

    14-03-30 研究发现,父亲年龄大的孩子相貌也较丑,但是这些丑孩子的寿命却会比其他人长。 Older fathers have uglier children, researchers have claimed after linking age to genetic mutations. The finding comes weeks after leading scientists reported children born t...

  • 米从何来

    14-03-19 A rich man in the Qi Kingdom had two silly sons, but the rich man loved his sons very much and they were the apples of his eye. One day, a man named Ai Zi said to the rich man, Your sons are so stupid and know nothing about the world. How can they t...