• The Light of a Bright Day

    13-04-09 I choose for my subject faith wrought(锻造的,加工的) into life, apart from creed or dogma(教条) . By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dyna...

  • Fomo 聚会控

    12-11-26 在国外学习的主题之一是学习、工作,主题之二就是参加各种聚会了。在欧美的大学,每周甚至每天都会有层出不穷的官方或者非官方聚会,当然多数是AA制的。想要把这些聚会都混下来,没有相当的体力、空闲时间和经济实力是不可能的。然而这些聚会能带给人什么呢?一口流利...

  • 靠近爱

    12-11-20 Is your life ruled by love or by fear? Love and fear are opposite emotional attitudes that shape our life in very different ways. The psychoanalyst John McMurray describes the difference like this: The fear-determined have no sun in themselves and g...

  • 扁桃体活动与恐惧没有必然联系

    12-01-30 In a 2007 episode of the television show Boston Legal, a character claimed to have figured out that a cop was racist because his amygdala(扁桃腺) activated -- displaying fear, when they showed him pictures of black people. This link between the am...

  • 气候变化造成的恐惧预测

    10-11-07 From apocalyptic(启示录的) forecasting to estimates of mass extinctions, climate change is a topic which is filled with fearful predictions for the future. In his latest research, published in WIREs Climate Change, historian Matthias Drries examin...

  • 研究:帮助孩子克服恐惧

    09-11-14 Many parents of preschoolers(学龄前儿童) struggle with their children's fears of real and imaginary creatures. A new study offers some ideas on how they can better manage their children's worries. The study, which was carried out by researchers at...

  • Panic on the Highway 山路历险记(下)

    09-10-27 Sleep wouldn't come. I lay staring into the dark, listening to the sounds of trucks and cars rushing along the nearby interstate. I tried to summon up reassuring images of home, now so many hundreds of miles away. I thought of Betsy and Tabitha, the...

  • Panic on the Highway 山路历险记(上)

    09-10-27 Fear is a fact of life everyone faces from time to time. In most cases fearis a healthy reaction to a dangerous situation. But sometimes fear can be so extreme, so overwhelming, that it interferes with normal living. That is what happened to me driv...

  • New fears for species extinctions 物种灭绝引发新的担忧

    09-10-12 Scientists have warned of an alarming increase in the extinction of animal species, because of threats to biodiversity and ecosystems. 科学家就动物物种灭绝速率的惊人上升提出警告,因为生物品种和生态系统正遭到威胁。 Scientists say nations have not hon...

  • Oil prices slide on demand fears 需求担忧引发国际油价下跌

    09-09-22 Oil prices have fallen by almost $3 on fears that energy demand may not have recovered as much as thought. 原油价格因对能源需求没有恢复到想象中的水平存有顾虑而下跌了将近3美元。 US crude was down $2.78 at $69.26 a barrel before recovering slightly wh...