• 加拿大青年将戒指发送到太空边缘求婚

    16-01-02 It's said that love has no limits, but how far can a person really go to express their feelings? 据说爱情无界限,但一个人为了表达自己的感情能做到什么程度呢? Apparently, all the way to the stratosphere. When the time came for Shawn Wright of Calgary...

  • 新郎学院让新郎变成完美的准老公

    15-05-31 A new service has launched which promises to transform undomesticated grooms into perfect husbands-to-be, yours for only 199. 一项新的服务项目横空出世,声称可以让从未染指家务的新郎,摇身一变成为完美的准老公,而你只要花费199英镑。 Edinburgh's Double...

  • 《泰坦尼克号》三

    13-01-29 精彩对白 Waiter: Coffee, sir? Cal: I had hoped you would come to me last night. Rose: I was tired. Cal: Your exertions below decks were, no doubt, exhausting. Rose: I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me. How typical. Cal: You will...
