• ballpark figure 大概的数字

    22-02-28 几天前,老板忽然说了一句Lets ballpark this,我一头雾水。 这这是在说棒球场吗?这大雨天的,打什么球都不适合呀,只适合宅在家里。 会议结束,赶快查了一下单词,才明白,原来老板并不是约我去打球。ballpark其实是这个用法: 大家可以先看一个例句: Can you just...

  • I figure 我想,在我看来

    22-02-21 overkill 多用作名词,对应到中文成语就是适得其反,画蛇添足啦。 Such security measures may be overkill. 如此安全措施可能是过分之举。 Should I add an explanation, or would that be overkill? 我应该再解释一下吗,还是那样会画蛇添足? I figure 是个实用口语...

  • figure

    22-01-25 很多人看到这个词,就想到了它的含义--人物,比如:Churchill is an important historical figure.(丘吉尔是一个重要的历史人物。) 但figure还可以表示想、认为、猜想;如果think已经被你用滥,那么figure是一个很好的替代词。 请看例子: I figure she doesnt want...

  • 多义词 “figure”

    21-09-17 Figure 这个词有很多种意思和用法。我们下面就来逐一讲解。首先,来看看它作名词时的主要含义。Figure 作名词时可以指 数字符号。 Examples In English, I think its much easier to write the numbers in figures than words. (我认为在英语中,写数字要比按字母拼出...

  • figure/work sth out 弄清楚

    21-08-19 To understand something or to find the answer to something by thinking about it. 例句: There will be a full investigation to work out what caused the accident. 将进行全面调查,找出事故原因。 Investigators needed several months to figure out that a...

  • hourglass figure 沙漏身材

    15-02-07 An hourglass figure is a very specific physical form exhibited by some women. Women with this type of figure have wide hips and busts that contrast starkly with a very narrow waist, creating a silhouette that resembles an old-fashioned hourglass. 沙...

  • Three Government Contractors

    15-01-14 Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House in D.C.; one from New Jersey, another from Tennessee and the third, from Florida. They go with a White House official to examine the fence. The Florida contractor takes out a tap...

  • The Green Horse

    14-03-25 The Green Horse Yusef Komunyakaa The kneeling figure is from Yama or Carthage, I ask, What was his worth in gold, in salt, spices, statuary(雕像) , or commemorated axioms? L, if we weren't brave enough to believe we could master time, we wouldn't...

  • 美国公司推出斯诺登为原型的玩偶

    14-03-02 Edward Snowden, the famed NSA whistle-blower, already has been cast as the hero in a video gamethat has him collecting sensitive information while avoiding government capture. Now, he can be the hero of more tactile game play with his arrival in the...

  • 蜡像 wax figure

    09-09-12 本月27日,一尊惟妙惟肖的流行天王迈克尔杰克逊的蜡像在好莱坞杜莎夫人蜡像馆正式揭幕。这尊蜡像由杜莎夫人蜡像馆伦敦工作室制作,耗资三十万美元。再过两天就是迈克尔杰克逊的五十一岁生日。主办方希望新蜡像将为这座新落成的蜡像馆带来人气。 请看外电的报道: Awax...