• 三个“任性”的词组

    22-04-28 1. A firm hand 这个词组直译过来就是坚固严格的手,也就是所说的铁腕手段,严格没商量。 例句: A dictator must have a firm hand. 独裁者的手段是很厉害的。 2. Be as stubborn as a mule 中文里形容一个人做事固执任性会用倔得和头驴一样,英文里就把驴换成了骡子(m...

  • firm up 敲定、落实

    21-04-26 通常情况下,形容词 firm 指事物的质地和属性是 坚硬的、稳固的。在谈论计划时,动词搭配 firm up 的意思是 给已有想法或安排添加详细信息,从而落实、敲定这一计划。 比如,如果有一群好友打算在六月份一起去旅行,那么他们需要在出行前商定一系列行程,这可能包括敲...

  • 美国监管机构对康宝莱展开调查

    14-03-13 US regulators have launched an investigation into the operations of nutrition and weight-loss firm Herbalife. 美国监管部门已开始对营养与减肥公司康宝莱的运营展开调查。 The move by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) follows allegations that the com...

  • 谷歌32亿欲收购Nest Labs

    14-01-14 Google has announced plans to buy thermostat maker Nest Labs for $3.2bn. 谷歌宣布计划以32亿美元收购恒温器生产商Nest Labs。 Google said the cash deal was expected to be completed in the next few months. California-based Nest Labs was founded by two f...

  • 《大地惊雷》四

    12-03-28 精彩对白 Mattie Ross: Dearest Mother. I am about to embark on a great adventure. I have learned that Tom Chaney has fled into the wild and I shall assist the authorities in pursuit. You know that Papa would want me to be firm in the right as he alwa...

  • 柯达欲转投数码播放市场

    12-01-11 Troubled photography firm Eastman Kodak has unveiled a new plan to transform the company into a digital player, sending its shares soaring. 陷入困境的摄影厂商伊士曼柯达计划将公司转变成数码播放器厂商,此计划使其股价猛涨。 The 132-year-old firm has si...

  • British firm fined for corruption 英国一企业因行贿被罚款

    09-09-26 A British construction firm has been ordered to pay almost 5m after pleading guilty to overseas corruption and breaching UN sanctions. 一个英国建筑公司因为跨境行贿案、违反英国制裁而认罪伏法并被判处将近五百万英镑罚款。 Mabey Johnson brought the matte...

  • Voice technology firm hits back 声讯企业回应抨击

    09-07-25 Voice-to-text firm Spinvox has reacted to BBC allegations over its technology, finances and privacy standards. 语音-文本转换公司Spinvox就技术、财政、隐私方面回应了BBC的主张。 Spinvox says humans are needed to check text In a blog post on its company...
