• 食鱼蜘蛛存在于世界各地

    14-06-20 Spiders are traditionally viewed as predators of insects. Zoologists from Switzerland and Australia have now published a study that shows: spiders all over the world also prey on fish. The academic journal PLOS ONE has just published the results. Al...

  • 公仪休爱吃鱼

    14-06-16 Gong Yixiu, the prime minister of the state of Lu, was very foud of fish. The people of Lu who knew his addiction all came to his home bringing him fish. Gong Yixiu rejected all the fish brought him. He believed if he accepted other people's fish, h...

  • 为何我们对生鱼片趋之若鹜

    14-06-08 Raw fish is sizzling hot right now. 生鱼片现在可是炙手可热。 Los Angeles has brand new bars devoted to an Italian style of raw fish, called crudo. President Obama kicked off his visit to Asia last month noshing(点心,小吃) nigiri(生鱼片寿司) at...

  • 关停公海捕鱼业可缓解碳排放压力

    14-06-06 Fish and aquatic(水生的) life living in the high seas(公海) are more valuable as a carbon sink than as food and should be better protected, according to research from the University of British Columbia. The study found fish and aquatic life remo...

  • 深海鱼类能转移并储藏大量CO2

    14-06-05 Deep sea fishes remove and store more than one million tonnes of CO2 from UK and Irish surface waters every year, according to a new study led by the University of Southampton. This natural carbon capture and storage scheme could store carbon equiva...

  • 子产受骗

    14-05-30 Someone gave Zi Chan, a high official of the state of Zhen, a living fish as a gift. Zi Chan told the pond-keeper to put it in the pond. But the pond-keeper cooked and ate it, and lied to Zi Chan that he had set free the fish and he even described t...

  • 相濡以沫

    14-05-30 Fish lives in water. One day, a group of fish was stranded when the spring dried up. They disgorged(吐出) moisture for each other to breathe and spat foam to moisten(弄湿) each other. Now they were never like the way they were in rivers and spri...

  • 鱼类的碰撞感应系统不及昆虫

    14-05-29 Swimming fish do not appear to use their collision warning system in the same way as flying insects, according to new research from Lund University in Sweden that has compared how zebra fish and bumblebees avoid collisions. The fish surprised the re...

  • 《舌尖上的中国》S2E6中的美食

    14-05-28 酸辣华子鱼 Hot and sour Amur ide 沙蟹汁 Ghost crab extract 韭花酱 Leek flower sauce 羊肚包肉 Roasted mutton wrapped in lamb tripe 红柳枝烤羊肉 Roasted mutton cubes on rose willow branch 手抓羊肉 Boiled mutton / Mutton eaten with hands 馕 Xinjiang na...

  • 《舌尖上的中国》S2E3中的美食

    14-05-28 雷笋炒肉丝 Thunder bamboo shoots fried with shredded pork 笋干炖鸡 Stewed chicken with dried bamboo shoots 铁锅炖鱼 Fish and tofu stewed in iron pot 咸肉蒸黄泥拱竹笋 Steamed bacon with Huang-ni-gong bamboo shoots 榆钱饭 Elm seeds meal 九层皮 Nine-la...