• fan the flames 煽风点火

    21-12-09 表达 fan the flame 的意思是故意煽动、怂恿他人,火上浇油,使已经令人不快的情绪或紧张局势变得更糟。 例句 Dont fan the flames - the situation is already bad enough. Such behaviours are only fanning the flames. The speech seemed to have fanned the flame...

  • Gaius Suetonius Paulinus

    14-06-23 Gaius Suetonius Paulinus Mark Ford Gaius Suetonius Paulinus at that time controlled Britain. According to rumor, which loves to pit one man against another, he had grown deeply envious of Corbulo, and yearned to equal his rival's recovery of Armenia...

  • 残奥会火炬开始在伦敦传递

    12-08-29 The Paralympic flame has reached outer London as part of a 24-hour torch relay to herald the start of the 2012 Games. 残奥会火炬抵达伦敦外围地区,火炬将经过24小时的传递,预示着残奥会的开始。 Four national flames, kindled last week, were united in a...

  • 伦敦残奥会圣火正在制作中

    12-08-22 Four separate teams are scaling the highest peaks of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to create the Paralympic flames. 四只队伍分别登上英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰最高的山峰,他们将在那里制造残奥会圣火。 Once at the summits of Scafe...
