• Adobe将于2020年底淘汰Flash插件

    17-08-04 Adobe Systems has said that it plans to phase out its Flash Player plug-in by the end of 2020. Adobe Systems公司表示,计划在2020年底前逐步淘汰Flash播放器插件。 The technology was once one of the most widely used ways for people to watch video clips...

  • 如何用手机拍出好看的食物照片

    16-05-17 1. Dont overcrowd the shot Dont try and capture too much in a single image, especially if its going to be cropped and uploaded to Instagram anyway. Focus on a key area, such as the sheen of an egg yolk or a steaks pink centre, but not so closely a v...

  • flash play 闪玩

    15-11-11 Tweaking the idea of flash mob is flash play , this term means a form of trip in which people find companions quickly through the Internet, and use advanced transportation like airplane to travel to another city together. 把快闪(flash mob)稍作改动...

  • Flash Tattoos 闪光纹身

    15-09-25 While permanent tattoos have long been a common choice for body modification for adults, temporary tats are typically brushed off as a trend for tweens. That is, until Flash Tattoos came onto the scene last year. 虽然长期以来永久性纹身是成年人修饰身...

  • pop-up retail 快闪商店”

    14-02-25 Pop-up retail , also known as pop-up store/shop or flash retailing, is a trend of opening short-term sales spaces popular in America and Europe. 快闪商店(英文表达为pop-up retail或pop-up store/shop或flash retailing)是在短时间内开张的一种商店,在欧...

  • flash quit 闪辞

    13-08-07 Young people quitting their jobs very shortly after starting - within three months or even three days - for reasons beyond the comprehension of older workers, is a relatively new phenomenon in China, and has spawned a new term, flash quit . 年轻人在...

  • 第21届中译英研讨会热词2

    13-02-01 1. 秒杀 seckill instant kill/ instant buy/flash buy/snatch buy/panic buy 2. 裸婚 naked marriage(第一次出现时,后面一定要加解释) simplistic marriage/bare-handed marriage 3. 酒后代驾 designated driver=DD(与酒后有关系) substitute driver(意义更广泛...

  • 铱可用于改进闪存速度与容量

    10-12-15 One of the rarest metals on Earth may be an excellent option for enabling future flash memory chips to continue to increase in speed and density, according to a group of researchers in Taiwan. Incorporating nanocrystals of iridium(铱) into the cri...

  • 乔布斯公开解释苹果限制Flash的原因

    10-04-30 Steve Jobs has used an open letter to defend Apple's decision not to allow Flash on many of the firm's products. 史蒂夫乔布斯发表一封公开信,对于苹果公司禁止其任何产品上使用Flash的决定进行辩解。 Adobe has yet to issue a response Neither the iPod, iP...

  • 快闪族 flash mob

    09-10-05 大概是因为网络的无处不在,现在世界各地好像都在流行快闪。可能在我们城市的某个区域,此刻正有一群flash mob在活动呢。你会是其中之一吗? Flash mob refers to a large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location, perform an unusual action...