• 学习外语的重要性

    21-01-03 As you probably know, learning a foreign language is sometimes challenging. But it can also be fun. We spend hundreds of hours at school trying to get our tongues round different vocabulary and grammar in order to earn a qualification. But learning...

  • 中法将举行战略对话磋商

    19-07-16 The French presidents diplomatic counselor Emmanuel Bonne will visit China on July 19 to hold a new round of consultation between the coordinators for the China-France Strategic Dialogue, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang announced Monday....

  • 2019第一季度中国对外贸易增长3.7%

    19-04-12 Chinas foreign trade of goods climbed 3.7 percent year on year in the first quarter to 7.01 trillion yuan (1.04 trillion U.S. dollars), customs data showed Friday. 海关数据显示,2019年第一季度中国对外商品贸易年同比增长3.7%,达到7.01万亿元(1.04万亿...

  • 三月中国外汇储备持续增长

    19-04-08 Chinas foreign exchange reserves rose to 3.0988 trillion U.S. dollars by the end of March, official data showed Sunday. 周日公布的官方数据显示,截止三月底中国外汇储备增长至30988亿美元。 The amount increased by 8.6 billion U.S. dollars, or 0.3 percen...

  • 中国正在准备外国投资法相关规则

    19-03-22 Chinas Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Thursday it is working with other authorities in preparing relevant rules to ensure the successful implementation of the foreign investment law. 中国商务部周四表示,该部门正在与其它部门合作准备相关规则以确保外...

  • 外商投资法草案将提交全国人大审议

    19-03-08 A draft foreign investment law will be submitted to the second session of the 13th National Peoples Congress (NPC) for deliberation. 一份外商投资法草案将被提交给十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议进行商议。 The foreign investment law, once adopted, wil...

  • 成都申请144小时免签证入境

    18-07-24 The city of Chengdu in southwest China is preparing to offer 144-hour visa-free transit to the holders of certain foreign passports. 成都市正准备向某些外国护照持有人提供144小时的免签证入境。 The municipal government has submitted a request to Chinas...

  • 中国将更加开放以吸引外资

    18-05-31 China will roll out more foreign investor-friendly measures to further boost opening-up and economic upgrading. 中国将出台更多有利于外国投资者的措施以进一步推动改革开放和经济升级。 It was decided at the meeting that market access will be widened. Co...

  • WorldFirst申请进入中国第三方支付

    18-05-03 Chinas central bank, the Peoples Bank of China, received the first application from a foreign payment company to enter the countrys booming third-party payment industry on Wednesday. 本周三,中国人民银行收到某外国支付公司申请进入国内第三方支付产业的...

  • 潘基文当选博鳌亚洲论坛理事长

    18-04-09 Former United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Monday was elected chairman of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), replacing former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda. 本周一,联合国前秘书长潘基文取代日本前首相福田康夫,当选博鳌亚洲论坛理事长。 Ch...