• 人类活动使森林成为净碳排放源

    22-01-22 由于人类活动和气候变化导致森林退化,世界上最受保护的森林中已有十处成为净碳排放源。 There are 257 forests with Unesco World Heritage status. They cover an area twice the size of Germany and are formally listed, studied and protected for their global...

  • 希腊深陷山火危机

    21-08-12 东京奥运会落下了帷幕,而奥林匹克的诞生之地希腊却深陷山火危机,熊熊烈焰曾一度逼近奥运圣火采集地点赫拉神庙和第一棒火炬传递地点古竞技...

  • 英国林地野生动物数量下降 树木状况 “危在旦夕”

    21-05-16 一项对英国本土树木状况的调查发现,只有 7% 的树木状况良好。英国林地信托( The Woodland Trust )表示,虽然林地覆盖面积在缓慢增加,但林地中的野生动物数量却在减少。 Native woodlands are a much-loved part of the landscape. From ancient oak forests to cen...

  • 大规模森林砍伐活动仍在继续

    21-01-03 We are all aware of the threats our planet is facing. Experts agree that its mainly us humans who are responsible for the destruction of the environment. Activities such as mass farming and burning fossil fuels are taking their toll on our climate a...

  • 人类活动导致野生动物数量锐减

    20-11-17 根据动物保护组织世界自然基金会(WWF)发表的一份重要报告,全球野生动物数量在不到50年的时间里减少了三分之二以上。报告称,这种 灾难性的下降趋势 没有减缓的迹象,并警告说,大自然正以前所未有的速度遭到人类的破坏。 The report looked at thousands of differe...