• 抓紧时间

    12-07-04 People occasionally tell you, Do that in your free time, but in fact there's no such thing as free time. Even when you're lying by the swimming pool, that's leisure time -- but it isn't free time. To prove that all time has value, a senior executive...

  • 英国将免费治疗外来人口的艾滋病

    12-03-03 Foreigners are to be offered free treatment for HIV on the NHS for the first time under controversial plans backed by ministers. 根据英国多位部长支持的一项争议性方案,英国国家医疗服务体系将首度向外来人口免费提供艾滋病病毒治疗服务。 Those from abroad...

  • free range 自由放养

    11-03-11 The expression free range usually relates to animals - often chickens and cows that range or go looking freely for food, rather than being closed in a cage or yard. Free range(自由放养)这个短语通常与动物有关,指鸡或牛被放散出去自己觅食,而不是被关...

  • 卢旺达总统:国民可自由参加选举

    10-07-21 Rwanda's President Paul Kagame has promised that next month's elections will be free, following recent criticism from human rights groups. 因最近受到人权组织的批评,卢旺达总统保罗卡加梅做出承诺,下个月的选举将会是自由的。 President Paul Kagame is co...

  • 中国部分家庭提供英语课换免费食宿

    10-05-15 想要到中国旅游,经济又不太宽裕的老外们注意了:中国部分家庭从上月起开始提供英语课程换免费住宿服务,只要每天能够保证至少两小时的英语交流时间,来中国旅游的老外便可以在提供该服务的中国家庭免费住宿。 Travelers can choose to exchange their language for fr...

  • 遭尼日利亚歹徒绑架的两名德国人被释放

    10-04-26 Two German men seized by gunmen while swimming in a Nigerian river have been freed after six days. 两位德国人因在尼日利亚一条河流里游泳而被持枪歹徒绑架,六天之后这两位德国人才被释放。 The men, aged 45 and 55, were kidnapped(绑架) on April 18 in th...

  • 英国地形测量局免费开放地图数据

    10-04-02 Mapping agency Ordnance Survey (OS) has launched a service offering free and unrestricted access to most of its map data. 英国地形测量局发起一项免费服务,用户可以免费、无限制地获得其绝大部分地图数据。 Sir Tim Berners-Lee said he was delighted by the...

  • 谷歌将限制每日免费新闻阅读次数

    09-12-02 Newspaper publishers will now be able to set a limit on the number of free news articles people can read through Google, the company has announced. 谷歌称,报纸出版商现在可以设定人们在谷歌上浏览到的免费新闻的数目。 Users will be routed to payment or...

  • 调查:资本主义自由市场存在缺陷

    09-11-09 Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a new BBC poll has found widespread dissatisfaction with free-market capitalism. 柏林墙推倒20年之后,BBC的一项新调查发现,公众对自由市场资本主义普遍不满。 The fall of the wall looked like a crushing vi...

  • Actor Randy Quaid freed on bail 演员Randy Quaid获保释

    09-09-27 Actor Randy Quaid and his wife Evi have been freed on bail after being arrested for allegedly failing to pay a hotel bill of more than $10,000 (6,245). 演员Randy Quaid和他妻子Evi被保释,此前二人因为没能付清超过1万美元的酒店账单而被逮捕。 Randy and E...