• 六月童话书推荐

    21-06-04 JUST SO STORIES 《原来如此》 Just So Stories, collection of childrens animal fables linked by poems by Rudyard Kipling, was published in 1902. In the stories, Kipling parodied the subject matter and style of several traditional works, such as The Th...

  • 小天使们的伤心故事 上

    21-06-02 I have a neighbor. He shouts at his kids a lot. He has a close friend with a little girl, Mindy. Does this guy also shout at his kids a lot? I dont know... 我有个邻居,他经常大声骂孩子。他的一个好朋友有个小女儿,叫明迪,但是我不知道那个人是否也经常...

  • Above all, most of all, first of all的区别是什么?

    21-05-15 先来说说三者的共同点:这三个搭配通常用于句首,我们可以在讲话的时候用它们来表示自己想要强调的要点。下面,我们就来为大家具体讲解它们之间的区别。 首先,来看问题中的前两个搭配:above all 和 most of all。Above all 的意思是 最重要的是,强调与其它的事物相...

  • a fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

    21-05-12 人们常说:患难见真情。意思是只有在困难时期陪伴、帮助你的人才是对你真心真意的朋友或亲人。相反,在 好天气 fair weather 时相伴,但一有事情就弃人于不顾的朋友在英语里叫做 a fair-weather friend,也就是汉语里说的 酒肉朋友,不能与你患难与共的朋友。 例句 I t...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 19

    21-05-07 How is the consternation of the party to be described? To the greater number it was a moment of absolute horror. Sir Thomas in the house! All felt the instantaneous conviction. Not a hope of imposition or mistake was harboured anywhere. Julias looks...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 5

    21-05-06 The young people were pleased with each other from the first. On each side there was much to attract, and their acquaintance soon promised as early an intimacy as good manners would warrant. Miss Crawfords beauty did her no disservice with the Miss...

  • sweat it out 做高强度的运动锻炼

    21-04-22 动词 sweat 的意思是 流汗,而包含 sweat 的表达 sweat it out 的意思是 做高强度的运动锻炼身体,这种运动锻炼往往让人 挥汗如雨。Sweat it out 多用在非正式的口语交流中。 例句 My boyfriend used to hate exercise, but now he really likes to sweat it out in th...

  • 圈粉

    21-04-19 既然脱粉是unfollow、unfriend,那么圈粉可以说follow、friend。 另外从被粉的一方来说,圈粉可以表达为:gain/garner/attract fans。 Law professors quirky lectures garner a swathe of fans/gain legions of fans. 法学教授的奇怪网课圈粉无数。 更灵活的说法,比...

  • to stew 独自烦恼

    21-04-17 在谈论和做饭有关的话题时,动词 stew 指 用文火慢炖 的烹饪方法。但在谈论人和事物时,stew 可以用来指一个人 独自烦恼 的表现;或让一件不好的事情或人 缓和、平静下来。在表达这层意思的时候,stew 可与 let 搭配使用,即 letstew,意思是 让事情/人平静下来。 例句...

  • 12条职场建议助你顺利渡过入职焦虑期

    21-04-08 1. Get the facts. 了解必知事项 Its absolutely fine to ask questions ahead of time. Depending on your organization, you can ask the Human Resources representative or your supervisor any questions. If youre not sure who to ask, check with the person w...