• 一些跟juice有关的常用口语表达

    22-04-02 1. on the juice 酗酒,狂饮作乐 She wont be able to return your call. Im afraid shes on the juice again. 她不会给你回电的。我担心她又酗酒了。 2. juice up 可以表示充满活力,使精神振奋 A thing like that can really juice you up. 那样的事的确能使你提起精...

  • fake 矫情、做作

    22-03-01 fake out在美国口语里表示:①用欺骗(或讹诈手段)胜过某人;②(在比赛中)用假动作迷惑对手。 fake作形容词可以形容矫情、做作: a fake smile/laugh 虚情假意的微笑/大笑 Shes so fake, pretending to be everybodys friend. 她太矫揉造作了,假装每个人都是她的朋友...

  • by word of mouth 通过口头来传播

    22-02-07 嘴巴里的词?好像没有这种说法。 但是你要仔细想想,这也没错,因为by word of mouth就是通过口头来传播。也就是一个消息经过一传十,十传百以后,许许多多人都知道了这件事。 举个例子: I think the best form of advertising is by word of mouth. People dont beli...

  • 怎样成为一个更有魅力的男人 1

    22-01-24 1. Clothes that fit. 合身的衣服。 A few of us are gifted with dimensions that allow us to purchase straight off the rack. But most men (myself included) absolutely need to have custom-fitted clothing. Do this. Cut the number of clothes you buy in ha...

  • fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

    22-01-22 朋友分为很多种,有的是可以患难与共的真朋友,有的只不过是酒肉朋友。 酒肉朋友,字面意思是friends only for wining and dining together,比喻只可一起享乐而不干正经事的朋友,或可共安乐而不能共患难的朋友,与英文fair-weather friend意思相同,表示a person who...

  • 为什么大人也爱泰迪熊?

    22-01-22 泰迪熊是许多人从小就熟悉的玩具。这个毛茸茸的伙伴给童年带来了欢乐和慰藉。一些人即使已经长大,对它的喜爱也丝毫不减。这是为什么? One thing we always remember from our childhood is our favourite teddy bear. This soft, ragged toy was our comfort and com...

  • come to the rescue 营救

    21-12-28 当某人 comes to the rescue 意思就是及时到达营救解围。这个短语也常常用于形容糟糕的情况而并不一定是生命危机时才能使用。 例句 I left my passport at home and only realised on my way to the airport. Fortunately my friend came to the rescue and drove to t...

  • hit out 抨击

    21-12-20 当你 hit out at 某人或某件事情时,意思是你在言论上抨击对方。 例句 The MP hit out at the journalists who criticised the governments policy. My friend hit out at everyone when she discovered she wasnt invited to the party. The singer used her website...

  • may the best man win 愿最佳者胜出

    21-12-17 英语短语 May the best man win 意思是愿最佳者胜出。 例句 My best friend and I are both going for the same job interview. All I can say is, May the best man win. Ive got tickets for the Wimbledon final! I dont have a favourite player, so may the best...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 29

    21-11-29 Catherine was too wretched to be fearful. The journey in itself had no terrors for her; and she began it without either dreading its length or feeling its solitariness. Leaning back in one corner of the carriage, in a violent burst of tears, she was...