• 聪明的人独处时更快乐

    16-04-09 Smart people may be far happier with their own company than meeting friends. 比起和朋友见面,聪明的人自己独处时更快乐。 A new study has found that for intelligent people, the more frequently they socialise with friends, the less satisfied they are w...

  • 现代成功女性的35个标志

    16-04-04 1. Being financially independent 2. Being happy most of the time 3. Being trusted by your friends 4. Being organised and efficient 5. Being a good mum 6. Having a partner who is devoted to you 7. Keeping in good shape 8. Making people laugh 9. Being...

  • 追看《太阳的后裔》手边最好准备以下几样东西

    16-03-26 1. A DOCTOR. Have a cardiologist on standby, for all the heart palpitations you get when you see Song Joong-ki staring at Song Hye-kyo the way we look at fried chicken. 2. EYEDROPS. Because we know you forget to blink whenever Song Joong-ki or his m...

  • 手指一滑就可找到对象和朋友的App

    16-03-25 You can now swipe your way to a BFF after dating app Bumble announced it has released a function that allows users to look for friends as well as lovers. 最近,一个名为大黄蜂的手机App出台了新功能用户只消用手指一滑,就可以找到恋爱对象和朋友。 The app...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 35

    16-03-17 When the inmates of the house, attracted by Oliver's cries, hurried to the spot from which they proceeded, they found him, pale and agitated, pointing in the direction of the meadows behind the house, and scarcely able to articulate the words, 'The...

  • 过度分享自己的生活是分享控的本能

    16-03-13 We all have those friends, often they are mere acquaintances. 我们都有这样的朋友,他们一般只是点头之交。 Those people whose lives are played out on social media, every cough and spit of their intimate relationships littering your Facebook timeline....

  • 那是杀人狂杰克吗?

    16-03-09 It was in the middle of winter and I was staying after school to rehearse for a dance production I was in. When it had ended, I asked for my mum to come and pick me up but she was at her Bridge Club. My friends offered me lifts home but I said I wou...

  • 《老友记》主演在NBC特别节目中重聚

    16-02-24 The Friends cast, including Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, David Schwimmer, Lisa Kudrow and Matt LeBlanc, reunited on stage Sunday night during an NBC special in honor of celebrated TV director James Burrows. 《老友记》主演,包括詹妮弗安妮斯顿、柯...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 14

    16-02-18 Oliver soon recovering from the fainting-fit into which Mr. Brownlow's abrupt exclamation had thrown him, the subject of the picture was carefully avoided, both by the old gentleman and Mrs. Bedwin, in the conversation that ensued: which indeed bore...

  • 属猪人的性格特征

    16-02-05 Intellectually curious, honest and tolerant, those born in the Year of the Pig can be relied upon for their loyalty and often make true friends for life. Like the knights of old, Pigs are often highly regarded for their chivalry and pureness of hear...