• Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 28

    21-03-17 The appearance of the little sitting-room as they entered, was tranquillity itself; Mrs. Bates, deprived of her usual employment, slumbering on one side of the fire, Frank Churchill, at a table near her, most deedily occupied about her spectacles, a...

  • 把科学带到酒吧

    21-02-27 Are bars places just to meet friends and chat casually about mundane things? Not any more. Scientists have been organising periodic lectures and experiments in bars in several cities in nine countries. In May, hundreds of them took part in a festiva...

  • 大学是人生中最美好的时光吗?

    21-02-27 对于许多年轻人来说,离开家开始大学生活是个激动人心的时刻,但同时多少也具有很多挑战。一项调查显示,伦敦帝国理工学院的大批学生都经历过高度精神紧张或心理健康状况。 University - the best days of my life! I made lots of friends in my student dorm, went t...

  • 享受快乐冬天的秘密是什么?

    21-02-25 在白昼渐短,天气转寒的季节,人们很难保持在晴朗夏日时常能感受到的快乐心情。每年,丹麦人都会经历漫长而阴沉的冬日,可是丹麦却被认为是世界上最幸福的国家。你想享受一个舒适而快乐的冬天吗? Imagine this scene: its blowing a gale outside, youre snuggled up...

  • 能与你聊天的“虚拟助手”

    21-02-08 近来,一种能和人交谈的新技术变得越来越受欢迎。这种被称为虚拟助手的产品可以在我们的手机、电脑甚至是智能扬声器上找的到。它们可以给我们提供有用、琐碎的信息,但这些能和我们聊天的助手会取代并成为和我们日夜促膝长谈的挚友吗? Its good to have friends that...

  • few和a few区别

    21-02-08 Few 和 a few 之间相差了一个字母 a,意思却发生了很大的变化。Few 的意思是 很少,不多;a few 的意思却是 几个,一些。 用法总结 1 Few 的意思是 很少,不多,表示 某物的总数不尽人意,少于预期,有消极的意味。 I have few friends. 2 A few 的意思是 几个,一些,...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 17

    21-01-24 TEN years earlier Christie made her dbut as an Amazon, now she had a braver part to play on a larger stage, with a nation for audience, martial music and the boom of cannon for orchestra; the glare of battle-fields was the red light; danger, disease...

  • 世界各国奇怪的迎新年风俗

    21-01-04 One of the worlds oldest shared traditions, New Years celebrations take many forms, but most cultures have one thing in common -- letting ones hair down after a long, hard year. 作为举世同庆的最古老的传统之一,新年的庆祝活动有多种形式,但大多数文化...

  • 你的午餐污染地球吗?

    21-01-02 A lunch break its an important and often necessary part of our working or school day. Its a chance to stop your tummy rumbling, grab a bite to eat and maybe chat with some friends. And now were spoilt with an array of places to buy our lunch from, a...

  • 关于学习的习语和短语 1

    20-12-29 Bite off more than you can chew 好高骛远 Meaning: to take on more than you can handle 意思是:承担超出你所能承受的 Example: I bit off more than I could chew when I signed up for the extracurricular activities after school. 当我报名参加放学后的课外活...