• 你的理想身高是多少

    22-07-22 身高和体型并不代表一个人的价值,但个子高的人在特定的方面或许占一定的优势。纵观历史,人类是否越长越高? How tall are you? Do you tower over your friends and family or are they people you literally have to look up to? Obviously, were not all the same,...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 63

    22-07-21 Philip did not pass the examination in anatomy at the end of March. He and Dunsford had worked at the subject together on Philips skeleton, asking each other questions till both knew by heart every attachment and the meaning of every nodule and groo...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 49

    22-07-21 The story which Philip made out in one way and another was terrible. One of the grievances of the women-students was that Fanny Price would never share their gay meals in restaurants, and the reason was obvious: she had been oppressed by dire povert...

  • 周一打招呼

    22-07-04 周末过完了,周一见面的时候打招呼就有话题了: How was your weekend? 周末过得咋样? Did you do anything fun over the weekend? 周末有啥好玩的吗? What did you get up to this weekend? 周末都玩啥了? Did you have a good weekend? 周末过得愉快吗? 以下是回...

  • 穷困落魄

    22-06-28 1. Scrape by指勉强度日 Borrowing money from friends and relatives helped him to scrape by. 他全靠亲朋好友的接济度日! 2. Make ends meet指收支相抵、量入为出,收入微薄,勉强过活。 Theyve got to watch every penny to make ends meet. 他们得精打细算才能维...

  • 与友情相关的英文习语

    22-05-26 1. friendship goals 令旁人羡慕的深厚友情 Leo and Kate are the epitome of friendship goals. 小李和凯特拥有最令人羡慕的深厚友情。 2. fast friends 挚友 The two of them had been fast friends since college. 他俩从大学起一直是挚友。 3. birds of a feather...

  • stab someone in the back 背后捅刀子

    22-05-11 (To) Stab someone in the back 如果我们按照字面意思翻译这个俚语,可能会发现自己陷入了刑事纠纷中,用刀去刺某个人。然而, 这个俚语表示秘密地背叛并伤害了亲近和相信我们的人,辜负了他们的信任。我们会把这么做的人称为背后刺客,陷害别人的人。 Did you hear th...

  • linger on 恋恋不舍

    22-04-12 恋恋不舍,汉语成语,形容非常留恋,舍不得离开。可以翻译为linger on,cannot tear oneself away from或 be reluctant to part with等。 例句: 她恋恋不舍地望着他。 She was unable to tear her eyes away from him. 我和新朋友们分别时,觉得恋恋不舍。 I found it...

  • 河马也能闻声识友

    22-03-30 野生河马是吵闹的动物,叫声可以传到湖泊和河流另一边的远处。但到目前为止,这种动物发出的一种响亮叫声有何确切的作用仍是一个谜。不过,科学家现在有了一个有趣的发现。 Hippos are noisy creatures making squeals, grunts, bellows and honks. But until now, the...

  • 我们早期的记忆是真的吗

    22-03-30 你最珍视的一段童年记忆是什么?一些研究的结果可能会让你感到惊讶:人们早期的记忆不一定准确。这究竟是为什么? Whats the first thing you remember doing? It could be playing with your friends at school, or going to a birthday party and eating amazing cak...