• something is in the air 一件令人兴奋的事情有可能即将发生

    21-12-17 当我们说 something is in the air 空气中有什么东西的时候,其实是想表达一件令人兴奋的事情有可能即将发生。 例句 Spring is in the air - its a time for change! Theres definitely something in the air - two of my friends have announced they are getting mar...

  • to rattle someone's cage 故意让人恼火

    21-12-17 如果你 rattle someones cage, 这就是说故意让某人恼火,不悦。 例句 I wouldnt approach John at the moment, someones really rattled his cage this morning and hes in a horrible mood. Why are you so cross? Whos rattled your cage today? My girlfriend delib...

  • 美国龙卷风将一张老照片刮到200公里外

    21-12-16 在美国肯塔基州等多地遭遇毁灭性龙卷风灾害后,不少城镇被夷为平地,截至目前至少已造成数十人死亡。灾难之下,一张被狂风刮到200多公里外的老照片无意间扣动了不少美国民众的心弦。 When Katie Posten walked outside Saturday morning to her car parked in her driv...

  • to hit it off (with someone) 一见如故

    21-12-14 有时候我们对刚认识的人会产生一见如故的感觉,这可能是因为大家有同样的兴趣爱好。这时可以用hit it off这个表达来形容大家很投缘。 例句 We hit it off with each other as soon as we met. We both really like the theatre and opera and when our friends introdu...

  • to fall for someone 迷恋一个人

    21-12-14 Fall for someone 的含义和 fall in love with someone 相似,用来表达对某人产生了感觉、爱意,迷恋上了某人,而且是非常强烈地被这个人吸引住了。 例句 I fell for you the first time I met you. It took a while, but they finally fell for each other after bein...

  • 不定式to do的三种用法

    21-12-07 动词不定式 to do 是英语中最常见的结构之一,它用法灵活多样,令不少英语学习者困惑不已。 用法总结 1 我们可以在形容词后加上不定式 to do,即:形容词 + 不定式 to do。 Its easy to learn English with the BBC. Were always happy to help! Its fun to spend time...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 10

    21-11-29 The Allens, Thorpes, and Morlands all met in the evening at the theatre; and, as Catherine and Isabella sat together, there was then an opportunity for the latter to utter some few of the many thousand things which had been collecting within her for...

  • 迪士尼新晋顶流 玲娜贝儿

    21-11-10 要问近期最火的女明星是谁,非玲娜贝儿莫属。过去的一个月里,这位迪士尼新晋顶流频频登上热搜,收割无数粉丝。各大网红博主纷纷化身站姐,蹲守迪士尼,随时捕捉其最新动态。 After debuting at Shanghai Disneyland Resort, LinaBell has become a viral sensation on...

  • 现在我拥有的,过去做梦都想不到

    21-10-24 现在我拥有的,过去做梦都想不到I think 我想 It would be fair to say that 自己可以以中肯的态度说 my upbringing has not been the most typical. 小时我被教养的方式有些与众不同 Without getting in to too much detail 再次我不想赘述太多细节 l I have had A few...

  • 分手后可以和前任做朋友吗?

    21-09-10 分手后还可不可以和前任继续做朋友?有些人认为一段感情结束后,最好和前任一刀两断;而另一些人则认为这样做未免过于极端。 Breaking up is hard to do or so some people say. If youre in a relationship but not as loved-up as you once were, when is the right...