• A nice stone 上好的石头

    14-08-25 Sometime after Paul died, his widow, Lily, was finally able to speak about what a thoughtful and wonderful man her late husband had been. Paul thought of everything, she told her friends. Just before he died, Paul handed me three envelopes. 'Lily,'...

  • 曼德拉遗体被葬入家族墓地

    13-12-18 Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black president, was laid to rest Sunday after a state funeral filled with tearful eulogies and strident vows to pursue his ideals of equality and justice. 当地时间12月15日,南非前总统曼德拉的世纪葬礼在其故乡东开...

  • 曼德拉之女回忆父亲临终时刻

    13-12-15 Nelson Mandela's daughter Makaziwe has told the BBC about the wonderful final hours of the former president, who died aged 95 last Thursday. 南非已故前总统纳尔逊曼德拉于2013年12月5日(星期四)逝世,享年95岁。其女马卡兹维在接受英国广播公司采访时,谈...

  • ceremonial funeral 礼仪葬礼

    13-09-26 Downing Street announced that Britain's first female prime minister would receive a ceremonial funeral , with gun carriage, military procession and a service at St Paul's Cathedral, in the style of the funerals of Diana, Princess of Wales, and the Q...

  • 英国为撒切尔夫人举办盛大政治葬礼

    13-04-19 伦敦于当地时间本周三(4月17日)在圣保罗大教堂为前首相撒切尔夫人举办半个世纪以来最盛大的政治葬礼。撒切尔的灵柩被安放在皇家乘骑炮兵部队的炮车上,按礼仪沿街列队行进,前往圣保罗大教堂,三军官兵将在街道两侧列队,目送殡葬队通过,公众沿街目送葬礼队伍。 Lon...

  • 哭丧服务在英国崭露头角

    13-03-29 在中国已经见怪不怪的哭丧服务开始在英国崭露头角,而且服务还相当专业呢。英国这家哭丧服务机构位于艾塞克斯郡布伦特里,每小时的服务费为45英镑(约合人民币424元)。 British mourners are renting professional sobbers to blub(哭) at funerals to make people...

  • 拉美各国首脑参加查韦斯葬礼

    13-03-08 Leaders from Latin America and beyond are gathering in the Venezuelan capital Caracas for the funeral of President Hugo Chavez. 拉丁国家的首脑们聚集到委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯,参加总统乌戈查韦斯的葬礼。 After the funeral, Mr Chavez's body will be taken...

  • 西哈努克亲王的葬礼在金边举行

    13-02-01 Crowds of mourners have turned out in Phnom Penh for the start of funeral proceedings for King Norodom Sihanouk. 柬埔寨诺罗敦西哈努克亲王的葬礼在金边举行,大批哀悼者出席葬礼。 King Sihanouk's golden coffin is being paraded through the streets A coff...

  • 英国机构退出二维码墓碑

    12-09-17 在科技发达的今天,连墓碑也可以智能化了。英国一家丧葬机构推出一款配有二维码的墓碑,对逝者身份感兴趣的吊唁者只要用智能手机扫描二维码,手机屏幕上就会出现一个关于逝者生平、照片、视频以及亲友悼词的网页。 A funeral home in Britain is attaching tiny digita...

  • 球星马里奥·莫罗西尼的葬礼在意大利举行

    12-04-19 The funeral of Italian footballer Piermario Morosini is to be held in his hometown of Bergamo. 意大利球星马里奥莫罗西尼的葬礼将在他的故乡贝加莫举办。 Piermario died in the 31st minute of Livorno\s Serie B game at Pescara. The 25-year-old Livorno pla...