• 新发现的超星系团是银河系的故乡

    14-09-04 Astronomers using the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope (GBT) -- among other telescopes -- have determined that our own Milky Way galaxy is part of a newly identified ginormous supercluster of galaxies, which they have dubbed Laniak...

  • 矮星系不符合星系形成模型

    14-06-12 Dwarf galaxies that orbit the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies defy the accepted model of galaxy formation, and recent attempts to wedge(挤入) them into the model are flawed, reports an international team of astrophysicists. David Merritt, pro...

  • 2014第一季度三星利润下滑

    14-04-08 Samsung Electronics, the world's biggest maker of TVs and mobile phones, has forecast a drop in profit for the second quarter in a row. 三星电子,世界最大的电视和移动电话生产商,连续第二个季度利润下滑。 It expects to make an operating profit of 8.4...

  • 地球在宇宙中的位置图

    14-03-12 We live in a galaxy known as the Milky Way -- a vast conglomeration(聚集,团块) of 300 billion stars, planets whizzing around them, and clouds of gas and dust floating in between. Though it has long been known that the Milky Way and its orbiting c...

  • 性别年龄与手机品牌选择

    14-03-07 Women aged 40-49 plumped for Samsung (36 percent), rather than Apple as their one true love. For men, however, the tale is quite different. Their preferred provider is Samsung. 对年龄在40-49岁之间的女性而言,苹果产品并不是她们的真爱,其选择三星产品...

  • 天文学家发现一个小型超强黑洞MQ1

    14-03-01 A team of Australian and American astronomers have been studying nearby galaxy M83 and have found a new superpowered small black hole, named MQ1, the first object of its kind to be studied in this much detail. Astronomers have found a few compact ob...

  • 三星S5手机将加入指纹技术

    14-02-25 The next iteration of Samsung's Galaxy smartphone range will feature biometric security, the company has announced. 三星下一代Galaxy系列智能手机将加入仿生安全技术。 In a similar way to Apple's iPhone 5, the main button on the front of the device dou...

  • 气体云是星体诞生的地方

    14-02-24 Using a telescope installed at the driest place on earth -- Ridge A in Antarctica -- a UNSW-led team of researchers has identified a giant gas cloud which appears to be in an early stage of formation. Giant clouds of molecular gas -- the most massiv...

  • 银河系可能是从内部开始形成

    14-01-22 A breakthrough using data from the Gaia-ESO project has provided evidence backing up theoretically predicted divisions in the chemical composition of the stars that make up the Milky Way's disc -- the vast collection of giant gas clouds and billions...

  • 超高速恒星能够脱离银河系引力

    14-01-13 An international team of astronomers has discovered a surprising new class of hypervelocity(超高速) stars -- solitary stars moving fast enough to escape the gravitational grasp of the Milky Way galaxy. The discovery of this new set of hypervelocit...