• 美国法庭禁售三星Galaxy Tab 10.1平板电脑

    12-06-27 A court has banned sales of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet in the US while it decides on the firm's patent dispute with Apple. 美国一家法庭禁止三星Galaxy Tab 10.1平板电脑在国内的销售,称其专利与苹果有冲突。 Apple has claimed that Samsung infringed...

  • 银河系将融入仙女座

    12-06-01 Astronomers have used the Hubble Space Telescope to work out when precisely our Milky Way Galaxy will crash into its neighbour, Andromeda. 天文学家利用哈勃太空望远镜计算出了银河系撞入临近仙女座的准确时间。 An illustration shows the night sky 3.75 bi...

  • 美宇航局观测到黑洞爆发

    12-05-03 An extraordinary outburst produced by a black hole in a nearby galaxy has provided direct evidence for a population of old, volatile(不稳定的) stellar black holes. The discovery, made by astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, provides...

  • 2012第一季度三星利润翻番

    12-04-06 Samsung Electronics has said it expects its profit for the first three months of the year to almost double as its smartphone sales continue to grow. 三星电子宣布, 由于智能手机销量持续增长,今年第一季度利润几乎翻番。 The company said it expects an o...

  • 科学家发现奇怪的红外星系

    11-12-02 In the distant reaches of the universe, almost 13 billion light-years from Earth, a strange species of galaxy lay hidden. Cloaked in dust and dimmed(使暗淡) by the intervening(介于中间的) distance, even the Hubble Space Telescope couldn't spy it...

  • 科学家公布迄今最详实的宇宙模型

    11-10-03 The Bolshoi supercomputer simulation, the most accurate and detailed large cosmological(宇宙论的) simulation run to date, gives physicists and astronomers a powerful new tool for understanding such cosmic mysteries as galaxy formation, dark matter...

  • 超重黑洞如何被激活

    11-07-14 At the heart of most, if not all, large galaxies lurks(潜伏) a supermassive black hole with a mass millions, or sometimes billions, times greater than that of the Sun. In many galaxies, including our own Milky Way, the central black hole is quiet....

  • 天文学家拼凑出潘多拉星团图

    11-06-23 A team of scientists studying the galaxy cluster Abell 2744, nicknamed Pandora's Cluster, have pieced together the cluster's complex and violent history using telescopes in space and on the ground, including the Hubble Space Telescope, the European...

  • 哈勃望远镜发现迄今最遥远的星系

    11-01-27 Astronomers studying ultra-deep imaging data from the Hubble Space Telescope have found what may be the most distant galaxy ever seen, about 13.2 billion light-years away. The study pushed the limits of Hubble's capabilities, extending its reach bac...

  • 美宇航局拍摄到恒星形成图像

    11-01-14 A new Chandra X-ray Observatory image of Messier 82, or M82, shows the result of star formation on overdrive. At a distance of only 12 million light years, M82 provides a unique cosmic laboratory for studying conditions similar to those that existed...