• Xiang Ling Playing Grass Game

    11-07-15 On Baoyu's birthday the young ladies held a drinking party in which they composed poems and much fun. Their service maids started a game of their own. Xiang Ling, Xue Fan's concubine(妾,情妇) , collected some flower and grass and began a grass ga...

  • 德约科维奇赢得2011温布尔顿冠军

    11-07-04 Serbia's Novak Djokovic won his first Wimbledon title and proved himself the best player in the world with a stunning win over Rafael Nadal. 塞尔维亚选手诺瓦克德约科维奇出色地战胜了拉斐尔纳达尔,赢得人生第一个温布尔顿冠军,证明了他是世界上最优秀的选...

  • 电脑游戏渐成婚姻杀手

    11-06-04 A growing number of marriages are being wrecked by video game addiction. 电脑游戏瘾正成为婚姻的一大杀手。 More women filing for divorce are complaining that their husbands spend too long playing video games, according to research. Of those wives who...

  • 《重回17岁》一

    11-05-29 影片对白 Murphy: O'Donnell, save something for the game. Mike: I'm just warming up , coach. Murphy: Just talked to the scout again. He's coming tonight. You play half the game I know you're capable of, he's prepared to offer you a full scholarship....

  • 索尼将恢复PS在线游戏网络

    11-05-16 Sony has announced that it will begin restoring its online PlayStation video game network on Sunday. 索尼公司宣称将于本周日恢复在线PS电子游戏网络。 Sony discovered a breach in the PlayStation Network on 20 April The phased restoration of services wi...

  • 奥巴马演讲 授予飞行学院总司令奖杯

    11-04-23 Most of all, though, I want to congratulate the cadets(学员,士官生) who are standing behind me. Until this year, no one on this team knew what it felt like to beat Army, to beat Navy, to visit the White House, and to earn football bragging(夸耀...

  • 暴力视频游戏对青少年有害?

    11-04-21 How much scientific evidence is there for and against the assertion(断言,声明) that exposure to video game violence can harm teens? Three researchers have developed a novel method to consider that question: they analyzed the research output of ex...

  • hopscotch “跳房子”

    11-04-19 Hopscotch is a children's game in which players toss a small object into the numbered spaces of a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop or jump through the spaces to retrieve the object. 跳房子是一种儿童游戏,玩家将一个小物件投掷...

  • 足球词汇8

    11-04-11 前场:opposing half 后场:own half 接应位置:supporting position 分派位:assign position 跟进:trail 制造空当:create an opening 边锋战术:wing play 进攻型足球:offensive football 防守型足球:defensive football 全攻全守型[总体型]足球:total football...

  • 足球词汇4

    11-03-18 qw...