• regifting 礼物转送

    13-05-21 Call it tacky, rude, maybe even thoughtless, but regifting is about as ritualistic as giving away that lump of jellied fruit every year. A two-year study has found that most Americans have done it. According to the study, 54 percent of Americans rew...

  • gift-recycling 礼品回收

    12-10-25 Recipients of expensive, but unwanted holiday gifts are turning to gift-recycling businesses for help getting rid of the things they don't want. 收取昂贵的、但又不需要的节日礼品正在转变为帮助人们摆脱不需要东西的礼品回收产业。 文中的gift-recycling就...

  • 母亲节不受欢迎礼物盘点

    12-05-13 如何才能在母亲节花对钱、买对礼物呢?吸尘器、性玩具、两元店买的厨房清洁用具、古巴雪茄以及复活节没吃完的糖果,甚至电锯等都在不受欢迎之列。妈妈们普遍表示,她们更愿意收到家人亲手制作的礼物;如果是商场购买的礼物,她们也不希望家人买礼物时要求自己在场自己...

  • After being away on business

    11-11-24 Tim thought it would be nice to bring his wife a little gift. How about some perfume? he asked the cosmetics(化妆品) clerk. She showed him a $50.00 bottle. That's a bit much,said Tim, so she returned with a smaller bottle for $30.00. That's still...

  • She's rather buy a gift 她宁愿买一件礼物

    11-09-08 While on a trip, Mom realized that she had forgotten a present for Dad's birthday. That's okay, he said, The only thing I want is for you to love, honor and obey. Mom pondered that idea and then replied, I'd rather buy you a gift. 旅途中,妈妈想起她...

  • I'd rather buy a gift 我宁愿买一件礼物

    10-04-13 I Cant Let Him Get Away A male crab(螃蟹) met a female crab and asked her to marry him. She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways. Wow, she thought, this crab is really special. I can't let him get away .So they got married imme...

  • 奥巴马夫妇接受奥普拉采访 互比圣诞礼物

    09-12-20 The White House may be bedecked with baubles and awash with Christmas cheer, but its most famous resident appears a tad disgruntled with Santa. 现在的白宫可能已经挂满了各种圣诞装饰,洋溢着浓浓的圣诞气氛,但这里最著名的居民对圣诞老人却似乎颇有微词。...

  • The Nice Wedding Gift

    09-11-07 The Nice Wedding Gift We attended the wedding of an acquaintance's son. Because we did not know the young man or his bride, we decided to send them a practical household gift, a fire extinguisher. Apparently, the couple mass-produced their thank-you...

  • Cards 'can support mentally-ill' 贺卡“有助于精神疾病”的治

    09-10-09 People should consider sending cards and gifts to friends and family suffering with mental health problems, experts say. 专家称,人们应该考虑向患有精神健康问题患者的家属和朋友赠送卡片和礼物。 Patients rarely receive cards or flowers when they stay i...

  • 圣诞礼物挑选不当可惹祸上身

    09-09-14 A senior pro-China figure in Hong Kong has said he will convey concerns about alleged police brutality against Hong Kong journalists to Beijing. 香港的一位前中国高级官员表示对大陆警察粗鲁对待香港记者一事表示担忧。 The Hong Kong protest was backed by...